Monday, April 9, 2012

tera power leveling we have all brands are low. And so this time we would like to revive Beijing -

129771571777656250_0"It's time we had on stage.  "March 19 tera gold, accompanied by called the never gave up the dream of short, baic e-series cars in front of off the Assembly line a year later towards consumers. This is a Director with Mercedes-Benz B200 shadow hatchback, even the marketing concept has been given a "German-style concept of Beijing", but the price is quite close to the people, 5.380 tera gold,000 per cent price range reflects the sincerity of Beijing automotive passenger cars first market and uneasy. "Today, I am pleased, of course, a little nervous. "Han Yonggui, General Manager of Beijing auto shares," said after so many years, after all, this is the first time we face the market. "" Due to various reasons, Beijing auto car, did a late start. "Beijing auto setChairman Xu heyi listed at the scene said, "but we also have a fully equipped to face the challenge. We will be the first to implement three guarantees service, e-series cars could become the car ' guarantees ' first car! "Xu heyi, first implementation of" three packs of "policy is Beijing automotive industry marketing teams and take practical action to prove the quality of Beijing automotive passenger cars, and consumers on the independentBrand trust. "The second half of 2012, we will have two products come out one after another, the B40 and C70. Next year there will be 3 products, C60, the B70 to launch, followed by the C80.  "Xu heyi said. Beijing Rally and the majority of new cars pre-IPO to hit songs hot dance "hot" scenes of different baic on e-series passenger carsCity chose to name the never gave up the dream of a short film opening. Short film about a "war" stories. In the beginning of the video, vehicles on the streets of Tokyo, Seoul, Beijing appears in order. Accordingly, "Japan Tokyo: 92% brand; Korea Seoul: 95% brand: production and sales exceeded 18 million vehicles in the Mainland of China,Main brand accounting for only 42% delegates Here is our home, but it is not a US-dominated market.  "This title appeared on the big screen. This is full of tension and provoking a "warm". It is clear that baic trying to arouse in such a way on the survival status of the independent brand Enterprise for all concerned and more hope that the presence of people thought to be passedBeijing automotive passenger vehicle savings had long "sound" wish. For baic, because, with independent passenger car market, is it a "never gave up the dream. "Access to information displayed, when as early as 1956, North arm of steam car is already popular in the jinggang mountains. At that time, the Jinggangshan car even earlier than the birth of Faw Hongqi car and SAICPhoenix brand cars.  However, due to various reasons, brilliant and of cars not being inherited in the jinggang mountains. "Beijing brand as a brand with a 50 year history, it should be said that there is a very important brand. Including our past 130 212 Beijing, Beijing Jeep, Beijing and so on, still has some influence at that time. "Han Yonggui says," but in the past twoWithin ten years, our brand down. And not just down in Beijing, we have all brands are low. And so this time we would like to revive Beijing, was an inheritance-based brand is built taking into account, is also necessary to do a job. "Han Yonggui, precisely because the connotation of Beijing is rich enough, so the name does not give its productsSales geographical restriction, according to the Beijing automotive Vice President Dong Haiyang introduced, in the inheritance of the original Beijing genes at the same time, coming into Beijing by the Beijing Automotive Group will also "international tera power leveling, high-end and trustworthy" brand concept. The first "three packs of" Dong Haiyang said Beijing automotive passenger vehicle team currently working for "Beijing" tailorSet to "" in the name of the marketing system, the marketing system is similar to the BMW's "BMW Yue", and "trust" means.  E-series cars took the lead in the implementation of "three guarantees" service, will no doubt be a baic "trust" marketing system a major bright spot. It is reported that the Northern steam version of "three guarantees" is basically the second exposure draft of the State guarantees policy is no different. Most nuclearHeart contents: vehicles-guarantees are valid for 2 years or 50,000 miles whichever is on a first-come, three bags of serious security failures range includes vehicle and powertrain components quality problems. "Dare to do the first person to eat crabs, implemented ' guarantees ', as well as for confidence in the car. "Dong Haiyang," said Beijing Automotive has done in this regardAssessment, we do not think there is too great a financial burden. "There are people in the industry think, baic 's" three packs of "look at the marketing strategy ahead of the three bags of the General Administration of quality supervision regulations, forestall one ' s opponent by a show of strength can be said to be an enrollment marketing better chess. "It is clear that beiqi the so-called guarantees of, its intent is to boost confidence in the market, from the sales of their products ' assurance '”。 Conill (Chinese) Vice President Sun Jian said: "is this for their own operating system, it is a challenge. "Holding high the high policy on Dong Haiyang, e-series is an A0 grade sedan, thus the competitor is the A0-class groups in which mainstream hatchback models. But for Beijing automotive, because its purpose is to create a highQuality A0-class car.  Therefore, beiqi standard objects did not include independent brands, but locked directly to the joint venture. "In fact, this also reflects the baic of Beijing from one aspect ' banner of Gao Da ' requirements. "People familiar with the matter said, because compared to other domestic automobile, beiqi brand cars starting late, so Xu heyi believes that Beijing mustStarting from a high starting point, cannot take the brand from the low end to start the old road. "E-series since December 26, 2010 off the Assembly line until now officially listed after, because we had a large number of cars off the Assembly line after performance of the vehicle, such as durability and safety such as crash test. "Han Yonggui says," in addition, delay listing factors of manufacture andProduct announcements.  "A Beijing automotive industry insiders said, after reducing costs has also become the e-series line, baic of important part of our work team. According to Dong Haiyang introduction, Beijing auto cars during the year the network will build 80 this year, agency 140, Beijing automotive passenger cars will also be challenged 100,000 sales goal. Weiwang task micro-car sales is 55,000, E-series and to be listed in the second half of the B40 and C70 is a common impact production and sales of 45,000. Domestic independent A0 class car monthly sales generally 1000 to 3,000 units, as a new brand, baic's plan was challenging. , According to Beijing automotive industry related sources, the sedan version and an electric version of the e series now also have access to the onPreparation phase prior to the city. "For Beijing automotive industry, this is the road to revival of licensed cars in Beijing, is also a site of ' second '. "Analysts say. Others:

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