Thursday, April 5, 2012

tera gold according to existing homes the area around location - SNM

129777332302812500_353Xiao Jie, Director of 30th of taxation when the Chinese Government website for online question and answer session, second-hand House transaction the tax Department conducted a study on work and deployment, start to try out the real estate valuation techniques to evaluate the price of second-hand House transaction reporting, therefore raising the price of second-hand House transaction in some areas. In addition, in the area of structural tax cut, Xiao Jie stressedThis year to increase the implementation of SME policy and business change two tax cuts, and said that since the beginning of this year, the country has benefited from which 900duowange. Approved by the majority of taxpayers, reflected in some areas have raised the tax for the local second-hand House transaction prices. In response to these phenomena, Xiao Jie, mainly recent administration of taxation and the tax authorities for second-hand "Yin-YangContracts "related control measures introduced.����Wang Jin, Xin guangtong tax agents registered tax expert firm Chairman, also told reporters after tax authorities for sectors of the real estate transaction tax avoidance measures take effect is not very clear, monitor has low level, tax evasion is more serious in this regard. Xiao Jie, together with the relevant departments to strengthen in the near future of second-hand House transaction taxResearch and deployment work, an important element of which is the real estate valuation techniques, to evaluate the price of second-hand House transaction reporting. It is understood that the tax Department's primary practice is for field investigation and inspection, in reference to the real estate market on the basis of information, according to existing homes the area around location, transportation, infrastructure tera gold, facilities andMarket price and other factors determine the tax base price, on declared prices are significantly lower and do not have a legitimate reason, should be based on a certain method to determine existing homes assessed value, approved the tax price. Xiao Jie said, parts of the recently raised prices of second-hand House transaction tax, tax authorities, even in a city 96.7% in the assessment of the first month of second-hand House transaction through assessmentIncreases the tax price is in fact in order to curb the second-hand House transaction through "contract of yin and Yang" evasion of taxes. "After the tax authority assesses more than 400,000 sets of prices of second-hand House transaction reporting, taxpayer can't agree not to 1% on the assessment results," said Xiao Jie, "explains 99% of the taxpayers to the more recognized. "Camp increased pilot modified goodIndustrial tax for small and micro-enterprises, Xiao Jie said that in recent years has introduced a series of preferential tax policies supporting the development of micro-enterprises of small, including individual industrial and commercial households, such as VAT and business tax collection points. According to their understanding of the current provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, and cities will sign up to the $ 20,000 monthly sales or turnover ofThe highest standard.����In addition, adjusted personal income tax policies of individual industrial and commercial households tera power leveling, currently more than $ 9 million in tax burden decline, decline in average at around 40%. Change increased the camp was another focus of reducing the corporate tax burden this year. In response, Xiao Jie tera gold, Beijing has proposed the implementation of tax levying sales tax pilot, but the programme has notCurrently is working on preliminary preparation.����He said, if you follow the pilot scope in Shanghai City, cultural and creative classes, enterprises should also be included. "From the Shanghai pilot, participating in the pilot of the cultural and creative services taxpayers about 70% in the tax burden of taxpayers in general have different degrees of decline, and taxpayers from other provinces and cities of the pilot orders began to increase,This indicates that the pilot has expanded their market space. "Xiao Jie said that" If the Beijing cultural creative industries into the scope, on related business should be welcome news in the future. �� Others:

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