Sunday, April 15, 2012

tera gold Twitter - DOD

129779403800781250_35SINA Tech News Beijing time on April 3 message, including Sony, although many investors are interested in stake in Olin tera power leveling, bass (Twitter), but had just been nominated as Shi Hong tera gold, President of Olympus (Hiroyuki Sasa) said today that may not need to finance the company can still recover from 1.7 billion-dollar financial scandal. If you getApproval of the general meeting of shareholders tera power leveling, Shi Hong to be this month as President of Olympus. He confirmed that Sony, Fuji and terumo is the company to potential partners.  But he said, Olympus may without equity cooperation, can still strengthen the balance sheet. He said: "our sense of crisis has not eliminated. "He plans to Olympus's interest rate from 4%Amplitude up to 30% per cent.  Olin bass masks in the past 13 years, more than US $ 1 billion investment losses, under the influence of the financial scandals, the company has recently been republished results. Foreign shareholders have revealed some concerns, fearing that Olympus may under the pressure of massive issuance of new shares in the Bank. In their view, Olin bass may be passedProfitable medical device business access to capital, so as to avoid the issuance of new shares. Shi also agrees with the view of the macro, think Olympus may use its own ability to restore balance sheets. But he is still open to all options. "We need to give serious consideration to various options as much as possible. "He said. (Ding) Others:

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