Friday, April 6, 2012

tera power leveling overall increase in mainland China again the factory baseEmployees ' base pay -

129773162592031250_29Apple "sweatshop" diffuse behind the controversial war Sino-US manufacturing Recently, the United States media about Apple "sweatshop" disputes quickly emerged. United States quality columns for national public radio in the United States announced that "fake" removed the exposed China's Foxconn "sweatshop" of a program. Allegedly, the programme refers to a theatrical Maike·daixi "monologue plays", some of those details "lied”。 Daisy plays the agony and ecstasy of Steve jobs in 2010, the United States hit, told him at the Foxconn factory in Shenzhen, China "personal experience". Some of the exaggerated compositions include, "hiring guards with a gun, 12 years old child labour, the factory workers deformation caused by repeated Assembly iPad hands". Investigators discovered that Daisy "story"A lot is to achieve "dramatic effect" fabrications. On March 19, the Foxconn spokesperson, there is currently no plan to the United States this fake program initiated legal proceedings. In fact, in February this year, the United States labour organization FLA (United States Fair Labor Association) said that Foxconn is not a "sweatshop". However, since the beginning of this year, from the New York Times, United StatesSet off a series of criticisms of the State media, has made this do OEM for Apple products for the world's largest electronics manufacturer shame again. Someone in the United States protested in the streets against Apple products "by pressing of cruel" profit. On the surface, the company faced the pressure of public opinion. The subtext behind, "made in China" is relying on this "competition in approaching the bottom line", robbed the United StatesState workers their jobs. United States President Barack Obama signed two years ago, the United States industry Promotion Act, indicated that he would spare no effort to revive the United States manufacturing industries, but the term has no signs of ending. In his January state of the Union this year, and return to "United States manufacturing (Made in USA)" first opened as a campaign theme of the times. This is a United States election year, analysts have said,In Apple, criticism on this point, United States Administration's electoral interests, and manufacturing unions, labor rights group and media attention form the resonance. Even commented, it was clear that "the President needed a scapegoat." Short term, along with the United States election process forward, Apple and OEM factory problem, will still continue to burst out news and long term, and itLike this between the manufacturing industry between China and "flames" will only grow. "Golden Apple" behind the distribution of profits is a turn everything upside down "pyramid" Apple's brilliant really easy to make it to the success of public criticism. It once was the highest global market enterprise, the world's most valuable brands ranked first. IPhone, for example, high profit margins of the Apple smart phoneFeel ashamed. In a recently published report, it even just to 8.7% the market share, getting the entire mobile market three-fourths profit. Steve Apple fans had in mind, just like a rock star is crazy. A rays of such companies, the situation of low income and poor factory workers, most likely there is a strong negative imagination. For the AppleFruit stain products on behalf of workers at Foxconn, the company does exist. After worker suicides, workshop of pollution, as well as issues such as overtime, once triggered sustained media attention and strong criticism of China, authorities have taken appropriate measures to strengthen supervision. However, the United States media, a round of "indiscriminate", and even that "manufactured in China away from United States workers their jobs""Reasonable", apparent lack of definitive basis. It is well known that Apple is "global generation" of classical enterprise. Every Apple handset is stamped "California design, made in China" words, this means that Steve Jobs ' company is responsible only for monitoring design, technology and marketing, and all production and processing of links to "delegate", outsourcing worldwideManufacturers in the lower reaches. "Our brain, they sweat and we thought, they sell strength". Not just Apple, over the years, more and more high-tech patents and creativity known United States multinational companies, processing of links and cheap production base, throwing like a burden to the lower "workers State". In this sense, the Division of globalization and industrial transferTrends, determined the Apple product is "transnational cooperation crystallization". Jobs behind the ring, is Apple-globalization "industrial value chain effect" created by, he is not "a person in combat". Don't forget, Apple in the United States only employs 43,000 staff, on a global, there are hundreds of thousands of millions of workers, together for the realization of "Apple singularMark "contribution value. But the "manufacturing" Apple, but is extreme imbalance in the distribution of profits. United States two years ago, the New York Times on Apple iPhone4 supply chain of Anatomy, it turns out, part price US $ 600 for iPhone4, the materials cost about $ 187.51. Among them, about US $ 80 per cent of material isKorea, United States, and Germany and Japan some companies provide some material. In China, Foxconn and other enterprise these components assembled, had each paid US $ 6.54. Apple iPhone4, the company's profit up to $ 360, profit is about 60%. Access to benefits for hundreds of thousands of workers in China, equivalent to a price of only 1.6%。 "Golden Apple" behind the distribution of profits is a turn everything upside down "the pyramid", largest number of Chinese workers at the lowest level, of the profit was at least. Foxconn and other OEM companies after the problem occurs, always to "thin profit" to stall. Under the pressure of media criticism, Foxconn, the company announced that, beginning in February of this year, overall increase in mainland China again the factory baseEmployees ' base pay, wage increases to 16% per cent. This is the third time since 2010, Foxconn raise. In this way, a primary level of wages will increase from $ 1800 per month to $ 2,200, beyond the local minimum wage limit. Three years ago, a junior worker's monthly wage of only $ 900. However, Apple's profit "pitchedTower "on top of, that a minimum number of users and main beneficiary sectors, but didn't see any change. Analysts point out that, in the United States media criticism "sweatshop", he often is intentionally or unintentionally ignore, really enjoyed the Apple profits is the American people themselves. Because relying on the Chinese-made, sharp rise in the market value of Apple, management and investors to be profitable, United States a large number of stockInvestors and United States funds, have greatly benefited. Of course, United States consumers enjoy cheap offers for its workers. Whole, the United States economy is losing a small amount of money, has earned a huge "bonus". "United States workers lost their jobs, and the United States were caught by the financial industry can only lay the golden eggs of hens". Can the United States iPhone United States ShiWeek in the 2009 financial crisis, the person of the year award to the peasant workers in China, praised their hardworking and patience, leading the world out of the shadow of the financial crisis. This is also a recognition of China's global role. Today, they seem to be complaining about the same group of people took their jobs. "The United States" made to overseas transfers not only today. After the second world war, some manufacturing industries has a large number of European countries, Japan and other countries, and later transfer to third world countries such as South-East Asia, Latin America. From 1990 IT began the industrial revolution, especially after China's accession to the WTO, transfer wave is mainly to the huge "made in China" base. Analysts point out that, similarly to Apple, Google, Amazon, FacEBook business globalization, Facebook only 3,000 highly paid employees throughout the United States, Google United States only 30,000 employees. Characteristics of the Internet industry although played United States manufacturing, but its intellectual capital, laid the Foundation for innovative product output. In this sense, President Obama revive the "United States" made of number realReally need to clarify the meaning. Most experts, including United States domestic analysts also believed that United States manufacturing industries, especially in labour-intensive manufacturing industries, "returning" not too likely. Senior fellow at the Center for us-China relations, Tsinghua University, Zhou Shijian analysis, profit is the soul of the capital. Needless to say IT electronic industry, to this traditional shoe-making industry,United States of Nike shoes, for example, the late 50 United States company moved production to Japan, 70 and moved to Korea and China Taiwan, 80 moved to Guangdong and Fujian in China. United States local shoe-making industry for 30 years to achieve a "euthanasia". According to statistics, in 1975, the United States 53 of 100 pairs of shoes were sold in United States manufacturing,In 2006 fell to 1.5. 2010 China coast workers ' hourly wages of us $ 1.2, Viet Nam worker's wage is US $ 0.35/hour, United States $ 20/hour. If the United States want to put these manufacturers moved back to the United States, the only result is that "Americans produce shoes of Americans can't afford it". The State information center, researcher Zhang MonanThat "United States" made times could come again is not a "constant". On one hand, to cost on the edge, current United States manufacturing workers ' average hourly rate is $ 22, Chinese workers at US $ 2, unit production costs in China are only for the United States 9%. But on the other hand, the "United States" made in return depends not only cost, depending on the industry chain. Apple, for example,Yu United States Apple headquarters responsible for product innovation, research and development and business model design, premium link, its entire value chains across borders, global industrial division and distribution of maximizing their profits. In February last year, Obama was asked at a dinner jobs, whether in the United States iPhone? Steve Jobs said, "these jobs can't come back." Causes andNot just wage costs, but the United States has lost its "comprehensive cost advantages". Consensus is that Apple management, flexibility, industry and industrial skills of foreign workers, and magnitude of overseas factories and facilities and reserves, have far more than United States counterparts. United States of the Atlantic Monthly analysis, is an electronic device manufacturing centre in Asia, China factoryMuch faster and cheaper to get the important parts. Large supporting industries can provide iPhone an essential small metal parts, such as screws. United States manufacturing industries and almost cut off from the supply network. From the production cost, United States manufacturing these high-tech gadgets and less cost-effective. Labour advantages not only has "assembled workers", also produced manySecondary skills "industrial engineering". "They are not able to design the next generation iPad Tablet is a Stanford Graduate, but similar and community college graduates have the skills to manage iPad production line". Apple executives estimate that manage iPhone mobile phone production line assembly line for about 200,000 workers 8,700 industry engineer, United StatesHire these qualified personnel needed for 9 months, and as long as 15 days in China. The so-called "industrial engineering" actually means higher technical talents. According to rough estimates, around 600,000 of these students graduate each year in China, and in the United States only 70,000. The Atlantic Monthly said that "we have outstanding graduates, the problem is the lack of skills of the working class". A "goodCreative ", you can let other people willing to work? Should know from a more macro perspective of "Apple events" of the truth. Industry analysts noted that the United States "industrial hollowing" behind, is the formation of the economy for many years of financial and consumer "bubble". Financial services United States leading industries, most employment turned to Wall Street and other financial sectors. But in these departmentsJobs are limited, when the United States manufacturing jobs after the transfer of a large number of overseas, in order to stimulate aggregate demand, United States consumption of ordinary people to a large number of credit, to maintain a middle class standard of living. The so-called "subprime mortgage crisis", it is in the context of the outbreak. Research Committee Deputy Secretary General Qiao Liang stated that China's national security policy, United States in the past 40 years, mostLow-end manufacturing industries transfer, is convinced that through the global trust in the dollar system, emerging countries have become cheap low end products in the provision of its processing plants, to put it bluntly, "is to earn dollars to the United States to work." However, after the financial crisis, United States for turnaround continued implementation of "quantitative easing", $ junk, increasing the dollar weaker, dollar creditIncreasingly common question. At this point, the Americans that even in the absence of the "real economy", "virtual economy" can live a happy life, and unsustainable. Work less, earn more, and does not work, enjoy. This type of "United States" is not possible. Even with "Apple" that have substantial value "rich machine" or changing the goods of equivalent exchangeBasic principles of change. Just because a "good ideas", you can let other people willing to work for themselves, the colonists with a few glass ball for the year with gold jewelry and what is the difference of the indigenous peoples? Qiao Liang believed that United States economic advantages, is the United States us $ output "green ticket" to cheap access to global resources and products. This defectDerived from this. As a result, United States only make their long-term deficit, if not for products from China, you must also access to alternative products from other countries. At the same time, after the mass transfer when the manufacturing of the real economy, would be difficult to resolve the issue of employment of the population in China. Employment of a large number of people cannot all the high-end industry, and holds a fair employment of financial servicesIndustry, because of the financial crisis of depression after the "event" is no longer. Qiao Liang said, some people clamored "China products away from United States workers ' rice bowls" is independent of China, with a stronger yuan is a reason. In the United States economy, "notes for" nature of this problem be fundamentally resolved before, Obama's promise of "industrialization" and "double exports within five years"The goal is probably feed on illusions. "Apple events" been distorted is through ILO inventory "sweatshop" headers, seemed to come to a "United States" made in losing, it is "made in China" from the impression of absurdity. Renmin University of China School of economics professor Jia Genliang wrote, people realized that after the financial crisis, the world economy is the RidgeFault in the hands of transnational corporations and transnational capital, through the "two-take-all" approach, most of the gains were concentrated in the hands of a very small number of monopoly capital. Apple's "globalization chain", with their low-end manufacturing jobs from the United States transferred out, wage costs by keeping the Chinese foundry enterprises profit; and monopolistic price in the market on the other side, passSell products for profit. Jia Genliang believed that this cycle is the result of: results of technical progress are basically in the form of profits, transition into the world economy as "middleman" has the hands of transnational corporations, not only does this increase the real purchasing power of consumers in developed countries, led to vast numbers of workers from developing countries, farmers ' income also prolonged stagnation and even decline. He said, "acrossCompany has caused not only the developing countries, and cause a serious shortage of domestic demand in developed countries, is important for serious polarization in income distribution between capital and labor causes. "Made in China how to win" between the top "seeking truth from facts, United States did yield the lower profits tera power leveling, competitiveness is getting worse, low-end manufacturing industries, as well as some of the downstream manufacturing. However,High-end technology, patents can get maximum profits, industry, standards, branding, design, and other fields, "United States" made in or stay in their home. Chinese researchers have found, at the same time with Boeing and Microsoft's two major high-tech enterprise group, Seattle, Washington, you do not see the slightest bit "manufacturing sector shrink" any traces of line remains busy exception, order lineFull. "Visit the Boeing assembly plant" has always been of different races in the United States the focus of tourism projects. In the United States, North Carolina, from 2002 to 2005, losing manufacturing jobs to 72,000 in the State, where three-fourths is the textile industry, furniture manufacturing and electronic post. But at the same time, the State's lucrative biotechnology, pharmaceutical and other industriesA lot of employment opportunities. "The United States" made in revitalizing, apparently will not be returned to the "size to win" stage, United States enterprises of the company are of the view that job creation of higher technology content, to shape, "United States" made in future. As Steve jobs, after dinner on Obama said: "I am not worried about long-term future. What I am worried about is that our solutionInadequate discussion of the method. "The famous" rebel "known for manufacturing the love of the master, should be United States culture unlimited innovations and to the ultimate pursuit of adventure. In fact, this is the "made in China" the international division of labor in the chain of "wage earners", dream deep inside. Secretary General of the Chinese society of macro-Wang believes that from the big trends, United StatesEconomic, Europe, Japan and other developed countries and regions are gradually entering "fictitious capital", monetary hegemony, to the financial services industry as the core intellectual property monopolies has become the their core competitiveness, manufacturing industries including heavy chemical industry tera gold, and also external mass transfer will be in the future. Therefore, China's new round of industrialization tera power leveling, mainly undertaking the transfer of heavy chemical industry and heavy industry, becoming the true"World factory", not just "shop". Analysts, China's economic rise and the future real upgrade process, as with martial arts expert Pulpo is, you want to learn the magic power of the Tian long BA Bu "suck star over China". Production factors of depression, although "weak", but just put in the "strong" industrial capacity in developed countries of "suck", which alsoIs the effective use of capital is always the pursuit of low cost nature of profit. However, this "suck star over China" can be acquired also must satisfy two conditions: first, the need to be good at "digesting", "power" into their own and, second, to remain sober, not long to be "played" fool you, forget this is a life and death struggle. During the contest "exercises" andIs not easy. It must be noted that the "occupation of Wall Street" after the parade, United States rulers not only manufacturing Renaissance huyou people of rhetoric. 构词成分。 Nan prediction, structural imbalances: the United States fundamental issues of economic development, in "industrial" strategy, driven by United States manufacturers are entered a period of increase. Therefore, between the US and China, centering on manufacturing "Game time window "has been opened. United States has "Advanced" and high-end manufacturing as a breakthrough point, must be from the manufacturing of modern, advanced and cleaner looking for "industrialization" way out if negligence on the new rules of the game and trading rules, "and is prone to" is inevitable. "A new rise of the manufacturing country race has only just begun." In order to winIs this really "between the peak", 构词成分。 Nan Zhang suggested that China must be based on "space for time", speed up the gradient transfer and upgrading of domestic industries. In the eastern coastal regions, China's manufacturing sector should take the lead to high-end industrial transfer, improving the design of core technology research and development, as well as creating their own brand. In the Midwest, undertaking industrial transfer in the coastal areas, use of processing, Assembling a competitive advantage, in the East-West cooperation, promote industrial upgrading at the high school level speed. Staff writer, Beijing, March 25- Others:

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