Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera gold 9039%. Minsheng Bank said in an annual report - SVL

129773160542812500_202Livelihood rental 2011 performance increase, but its private placement rate does not seem high price premiums "zhuangao financial network" trainee Li Chang on March 23, the Minsheng Bank (600016.SH/01988.HK) announced the 2011 annual report shows, the 2011 finance lease receivable interest revenue 3.528 billion yuan, per cent, 9039%. Minsheng Bank said in an annual report, the sharp growth in revenues is mainly attributable to the subsidiary Minsheng financial leasing company limited (hereinafter referred to as the livelihood of leased) business by expanding and improving the bargaining power. However tera power leveling, a good momentum of development and people's livelihood rental price of the shares did not sell well. Livelihood of leasing was founded in April 2008. Minsheng Bank 2011Report shows year after year, people's livelihood leasing was introduced in December 2011 capital increase and share, registered capital increased from $ 3.2 billion to $ 5.095 billion, Bank stake in Minsheng leasing by 81.25% changed to 51.03%. At the end of 2011, Minsheng leased total assets of 61.223 billion yuan and net assets of $ 7.271 billion, an increase of 47.59%. In 2011, the livelihood lease net profit of 858 million dollars, an increase of 73.33%; the average rate of return on equity (ROE) of 19.6%, over a year earlier to 6.23%, bad assets of 0. Minsheng Bank annual report disclosure, during the reporting period, livelihood leased on a per-share price of $ 1.3, 1.895 billion of additional shares, raising2.464 billion yuan of funds, including the old shareholders, the company is not involved in this issue. But the report did not reveal which companies participate in the increased. The securities market weekly reporters learned from the lease on people's livelihood, the capital increase and the introduction of a number of private enterprises, equity diversified lease dynamic and on people's livelihood. Minsheng Bank on September 27 tera gold, 2011 bulletin, publishedThe livelihood of leases will increase plan has been approved by the China Banking Regulatory Commission, disclosed the lease capital after the increase of people's livelihood and the livelihood of shares held by banks, but does not specifically disclose will increase price and increase participation in businesses. 2011 from cmbc found in the notes to the financial statements, or participating in a total of seven companies leasing the increase on people's livelihood, they are: Beijing, xingye real estate developmentLimited (shareholders ' equity $ 642 million), Shanghai hero investment development company (shareholders ' equity $ 571 million), Jiangsu sunshine group, Ltd (shareholders ' equity $ 428 million), Shanghai investment management company (shareholders ' equity $ 428 million), Guangzhou purple springs real estate development company (shareholders ' equity $ 285 million), ChinaJI investment company (shareholders ' equity $ 285 million), San gold investment company (shareholders ' equity $ 64 million). Seven companies together with livelihood leasing equity 2.703 billion yuan. The seven companies are private enterprises, specializing in real estate investment in technology, energy, clothing tera power leveling, jewelry, and other fields. At the end of 2011, livelihood lease net per share capital$ 1.43, directional add-issuance price of more than $ 1.3, participate in directional add-issuance of shareholder benefits in a very short period of time. According to the projections, the livelihood of leasing's net worth is approximately $ 1.23 per share in late 2010 (net assets minus the increased amount raised in late 2011 and the net profit of the year), the issuance price at a premium rate of about $ 1.3 5.7%. Analysis of one investment bankBelieve that listed companies by the end of the project is more common or stock transfer subsidiary, have access to incremental cash flow and increase profits. Minsheng Bank 2011 by subsidiaries of absorbing investment in minority shareholders received $ 2.9 billion in cash, about 16 times for 2010. (Securities market weekly Syndication) online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content,Not that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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