Monday, April 9, 2012

tera gold - AGA

129773932953750000_157"Zhuangao financial network" journalist Gao Suying recently, "the fifth Shandong to refining and marketing and Development Summit and the fourth session of the Forum of Chinese and foreign oil" on economic and energy development strategy of the national development and Reform Commission, the Energy Institute, the Policy Center Executive Director Jiang Xinmin, Deputy Director of the Research Center said the decentralization of pricing does not address the transparency in the oil price, or will further push up the price of oil. In accordance with the changeRefined oil pricing mechanism established by the Committee, China's refined oil prices made up of rational processing of crude oil prices and profits, reference price of crude oil in the international market, when the price of crude oil average price changes more than 22 consecutive working days 4%, adjusting fuel prices. However Jiang Xin believes that pricing formula has not released all of the parameters. Domestic oil price adjustments referMarket for crude oil in the international market, which is a (Brent, Dubai, Cinta)? Domestic crude oil processing margins be? Processing of reasonable profit in the end is how much? All of these parameters are opaque. The price mechanism, oil price adjustment "rise quickly falling slowly, rose fell less" accusations. He has shown, in the adjustment programme for refined oil pricing mechanism,Is an important content of the discussions before, when original price is $ 130/barrel, then will countries be able to refined oil pricing power to the third-largest oil company. This also means that this pricing mechanism will transition from the original system of examination and approval system to record. However tera gold, decentralization of the pricing to businesses and does not address the opacity of China's refined oil pricing mechanism problem. For petroleum enterprises, The pursuit of profit maximization is the enterprise itself, therefore, independent pricing will only further help to push up oil prices. The price of oil set out in the regulations, when international markets when prices are below $ 80 a barrel of crude oil, calculated according to the normal processing margin oil price. When the above $ 80 a barrel, start deduction processing margins, calculated according to the machining zero-profit productsThe price. When the above $ 130 a barrel, in accordance with the interests of both producers and consumers, maintain the principle of smooth operation of the national economy, take appropriate fiscal and taxation policies to ensure oil production and supply, gasoline and diesel prices made no mention of or less in principle. Jiang Xinmin said in reorienting the discussion programme for refined oil pricing mechanism tera gold, when the price of crude oil at $ 130/barrel, politicalHouse likely to three major companies down pricing power. This programme is a transitional programme of oil prices and complete marketing, power to be independent pricing restrictions in international oil prices below $ 130. In his view, the decentralization of oil product prices, may be the step in the total market in the oil price. Reasonable pricing right delegated must be sufficient competition in the market, or will only letEnterprises benefit consumers suffer. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description tera power leveling, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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