Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera gold cash.  Sometimes he holder travel purchase travel products online - KII

129773822151406250_183 <a href="http://www.levelingpower.com/tera/gold">tera gold</a>King of one man, clone the 32 bank credit card. After the arrest, active account of a cloned card production inside.  He also said that the forged cards with bank account information, are bought from the Internet. Brush counterfeit cards to spend other people's money "brush your card spending other people's money! "In the past two years, Wang armed with 32 cards, fraudulent use of his personalAll consumption, cash withdrawal, cash.  Sometimes he holder travel purchase travel products online, sometimes running to the POS machine consumption, sometimes for a cash withdrawal, the modus operandi, brush he has stolen more than 70,000 yuan. The card, how is it produced? In response, Wang account he is using a card reader, card, computer and magnetic cards for data miningSet procedures, magnetic stripe read-write procedure, membership card to a coffee shop, hotel access card tera power leveling, other credit card processing and other magnetic media, will own or other people's credit card information in the information written above the magnetic media. He is in such a way, has forged a credit card up to 32, membership card counterfeit credit cards use a coffee shop 9, use access control cards 8 forged credit cards, benefitsOther magnetic stripe media 15 forged credit cards. It is understood that the banks currently widely used magnetic stripe cards, less strong than the chip card anti-counterfeiting effect.  Wang such stolen this vulnerability is exploited by the brush, clone cards, thus stealing brush successfully. Clone card information online buy, clone cards needed information, to have a customer account number and password to, these lettersIncome flows and through what channels to the Pirates of the brush? Prior to this, media exposure, a bank employee in private, illegal selling of customers ' personal information.  Wang also said that the information he manufactured false cards, was purchased from the Internet. Wang account, he joined a QQ "POS communication group" group network called "qianshan bird flew absolutely", the main group in the ad says "Can be sold with the card information ", however, requires an advance deposit of $ 2000. See these ads, Wang would have other bank accounts of the meeting. After you send money, until he was informed that the other surnamed fan.  Later, fan of selling customer information upon receipt of the money, through the QQ, Wang sent an expired credit card information. After the arrest of a King, a fan was arrested by the police.According to Fan Mou says, the bank account information tera gold, is he "search from the network". Others:

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