Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera power leveling promoting the clean and efficient use of traditional energy - ZZO

129773993479062500_62Southern reported net Home-Canton-home-international-society-financial-review-entertainment-media-forum-non-commercial-military-photo-digital-Club-broadcast in the South-southern newspaper NET State GovernmentComments report on Division of 2012-03-27 Chinese Government network user reviews, click to view the 2012-03-27 14:37:24.0 Division of implementing the Government's report on the work of the State Council departments reported on the development and Reform Commission, the Government enterprise reform important ecologicalRibbon examination admission wind power equipment incentives to assist left-behind children in population and family planning Commission 88,104,652/enpproperty--> on the implementation of the State Council of China real estate market regulation Division of key departments in the Government work report (2012), directly under the State Council ministries and commissions, the Agency:Under the CPC Central Committee regarding the 2012 deployment and adopted by the plenary session of the national people's Congress for five meetings of the Government work report, for this year's Government work, achieve the expected objectives of national economic and social development, in respect of the Government work report clearly focuses the Division of opinion are as follows: first, promote the steady and rapid economic development (a) continue to implement productFiscal policy. Keeping a moderate amount of budget deficits and government debt. Proposed arrangement $ 800 billion fiscal deficit this year, of which $ 550 billion fiscal deficit of the Central, local debt of 250 billion dollars. Optimization of fiscal expenditure structure, focus and invest more in education, culture, health care, employment, social security, social housing and other aspects of investment, increase "three"Agriculture, underdeveloped regions, scientific and technological innovation, such as energy-saving environmental protection, water resources, geology and prospecting of support. Strict control "three funds", greatly streamlining of meetings and documentation, deepening the reform of official system, further reducing administrative costs. Continue to control and standard construction scale of halls and buildings, compressing large investment in construction of Games venues. Strengthening key areas, key sectors and keyAudit of the funds. Structural tax cut. Seriously implement and improve support for small development of micro-enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households the tax preferential policy, business tax levying sales tax pilot. Continue on administrative fees and governmental funds to clean up, consolidation, and specifications. Strengthening of local government debt management and risk prevention. Continue to properly handle the amount of debt. Further cleanupSpecification for local government financing company. Firmly prohibit various forms of violations by the Government guarantees, commitments at all levels. Strict control of the local Government of new debt, the classifications included in the budget of income and expenditure of local government debt management. (Ministry of finance, development and Reform Commission, Audit Commission, General Administration of customs, State administration of taxation, the State authority responsible for. First is the lead department, other relevant departments or units responsibilitiesResponsibilities, the same below), (b) continue to pursue a prudent monetary policy. Total amount in accordance with the requirements of modest, prudent and flexible, taking into account the promotion of stable and rapid development of the economy, maintaining price stability and prevent financial risks. Make comprehensive use of various monetary policy instruments, correctly adjusted monetary credit supply and demand and maintain social to raise reasonable growth. Broad money growth is expected 14%. Optimize the structure of creditSupport key State construction, rehabilitation projects and the construction of affordable housing program, strengthening compliance with industry policies, there is a market demand of enterprises, especially small credit support for micro-enterprises, effectively reducing the cost of financing the real economy. Continued strict control on high energy consumption, high pollution and excess industry loans. Improving formation mechanism of RMB exchange rate, currency is bi-directional floating bombAnd maintaining basic stability of the RMB exchange rate at a reasonable and balanced level. Development of the foreign exchange market, the exchange rate risk aversion to provide market players with more tools, manage and use good reserves. Establish and improve the systemic financial risk prevention and supervision and coordination mechanisms, enhanced ability to resist risks. Strengthening the monitoring of cross-border capital flows. Regulating the behavior of various types of loans, and guide the healthy development of private financing. (People's Bank, financial regulators, development and Reform Commission, Ministry of environmental protection, is responsible for the Audit Commission) (c) focus on expanding consumption demand. Speeding up the construction of mechanism of expansion. Vigorously adjust the pattern of income distribution, increase the income of low-income people, improving residents ' spending power. Perfecting the encouraging consumer policy. Devoting major efforts to developing social old-age pension, home economics, property, health careThe service sector. Encourage culture, tourism, health, consumption, implement system of paid vacation. Active development of new consumer online shopping business. Support guide green building materials, green consumption such as water-saving sanitary ware, energy-saving cars. Expansion of consumer credit. Strengthening urban-rural circulation system and the construction of infrastructure such as roads, car parks. Strengthening the supervision of product quality and safety. Improving the consumption environment, maintaining consumerThe legitimate rights and interests. (Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of finance, the Ministry of social security tera power leveling, Ministry of industry and information technology, human resources department, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of housing in urban and rural areas, the Ministry of health, people's Bank, the Ministry of transport, General Administration of quality supervision, business, banking tera gold, sports, Tourist Board, National Committee on Aging, responsible for the General) (iv) constantly optimize the investment structure. Maintain steady growth of investment,Promoting positive interaction between investment and consumption. Seriously implement the State Council concerning the encouragement and guide the healthy development of private investment in a number of opinions ((2010), 13th), introduction of actionable implementation details. Strengthening the leading role of government investment on structural adjustment, key priorities guarantee under construction, construction projects, pushing major national projects under construction. Land, goodCredit, energy-saving, environmental protection, safety, quality, access, and auditing, and strengthen supervision on major projects, especially the Government and State-owned investment projects, supervision, improve the quality and efficiency of investment. (Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of industry and information technology, Ministry of finance, Ministry of housing in urban and rural areas, people's Bank, the Ministry of land and natural resources, Ministry of environmental protection, the Audit Commission and the General Administration of quality supervision, the administration of safety supervision, monitoringDepartment, China Banking Regulatory Commission, Bureau of statistics, the energy charge) second, keeping overall price level stability (v) improve the price regulation to prevent prices rebound. Increased production, ensure supply. Continued to curb food prices rising too quickly as the focus of price stability. Implement the "m bags" Governor responsibility system and the "shopping basket" mayors responsibility to protect mainly the supply of agricultural products. MidtownTo have a reasonable number of vegetable, stability and improve the local season vegetable self-sufficiency level, collaboration with the advantage and producing areas of the surrounding areas-building "shopping basket" product base. Strengthen the connection between important commodity distribution, perfecting the system of Government reserves and commercial reserves, shouchu and placement of main agricultural products, strengthen market regulation capabilities. Invigorating circulation, reducing costs. Strict implementation of vegetables, freshGreen channel for transport policy. Implementing agricultural products wholesale market, fair trade markets, the Community price support policies such as the greengrocer, encourage urban supermarkets, universities, large enterprises, community enterprises, cooperatives, and agricultural products circulation of planting big butt, reduced circulation, increase in retail outlets, fully play a main role in circulation. Deepening the reform of circulation. ExpandLogistics business tax tax the difference in scope, perfect commodity storage facilities with tax policy. The adjustment and perfection of some agricultural products wholesale, retail sales tax policies to promote standardization and Informationization construction in circulation. Strengthening regulatory, normative order. Stepped on the price of food, medicines and medical treatment, supervision and inspection of the services such as communications, education, and transportation firm governanceCharging fines, correct the violation charges of large retail commercial enterprises, strictly investigate and deal with publishing false information, hoarding, price manipulation, malicious violations such as hype. Grasp the direction of public opinion, guiding social expectations. (Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of finance, the Ministry of transport, Ministry of railways, the people's Bank, the Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of industry and information technology, Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of health, State administration of taxation, Bureau of statistics is responsible for) third, promoting the stable development of agriculture and farmers ' income steadily (f) stability and development of agricultural production, increasing peasants ' income through various channels. Continuation of the stability of grain yield, grain growing area, to increase the unit output. Guide the peasants to readjust the structure, expanded production shortages, high quality agricultural products, support, such as vegetables, meat, eggs, milk, fish production。 Agricultural subsidies total continues to increase, improve standards, expanding the scope and improve the mechanism, added focus subsidies to the farming and animal husbandry in households, farmers ' cooperatives and various production and service organization at an angle. Continue to increase the minimum purchasing price of grain, wheat and rice this year the minimum purchase price for every 50 kg increasing $ 7.4 per cent and $ 16. Major health benefit compensation mechanisms, increased grain, rawPig production of major agricultural products such as County awarded grant funds. New 10 platform for rural poverty alleviation and development, in accordance with the new national poverty standard, comprehensive poverty relief and development work, increase focus even in the special difficulties of poverty relief efforts, more poor object to share the fruits of reform and development. (Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of finance, Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of science and technology, poverty reduction Office, Bureau of forestry, foodCouncil is responsible for) (seven) speed up the progress of agricultural science and technology. Vigorously promoting the innovation of agricultural science and technology, intensify the breeding and disease control, agricultural products quality and safety, and other key technologies research and development and application support. Accelerate the speed of reform and construction of grass-roots agricultural technology extension system, sound or regional agricultural villages and towns public service agencies. Improve the system of agricultural subsidies, promotion of advanced agriculturalTechnologies to the field to the home. Construction of modern agricultural demonstration areas, create and promote high-yielding standard created. Speed up the pace of agricultural mechanization. (Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of science and technology, development and Reform Commission, Ministry of finance, the central part, social security, the Ministry of industry and information technology of the Department of human resources tera power leveling, General Administration of quality supervision, Chinese Academy of Sciences, forestry, grain, and other charge) (VIII) strengthening agricultural infrastructure construction in rural areas.This year's central financial for "farmer" input arrangements of 1.2287 trillion yuan. Do supporting reconstruction of irrigation district and small water conservancy construction, vigorously develop water-saving agriculture, increase the intensity of land consolidation and reclamation, large-scale construction ensure stable yields despite drought or excessive rain high standards of basic farmland. Speeding up the middle and small river, a small reservoir reinforcement and mountain torrents geological disaster control. Strengthening the rural Hydro RoadAnd cultural and sports infrastructure, rural environmental governance, rural dangerous building reconstruction, continued to improve the production and living conditions in rural areas. (Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of finance, the Ministry of water resources, land and natural resources, Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of transport, housing, urban-rural development, Bureau of energy, Ministry of culture, Ministry of environmental protection, forestry Council, met Office, grain, and other responsible) (IX)Deepen rural reforms. Never waver in upholding the basic management system in rural areas. Seriously do land right registration certificate issuing, strengthen the management right of contracted land circulation management and services, development of appropriate scale of operation. Strictly protecting farmland. Introduction of rural collective land expropriation compensation regulations are formulated. Supporting the development of farmer professional cooperative, industrialization leading enterprises, various forms of agricultural socialization serviceExhibition of agricultural insurance, improve the level of agricultural industrialization, organization. Deepen rural reforms. Promoting the reform of State-owned farms, farm, continue to deepen the reform of collective forest property right system. (Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of land and resources, rule of law, development and Reform Commission, Ministry of finance, Ministry of housing in urban and rural areas, the Ministry of Commerce, forestry, rural comprehensive reform of the State Council work group responsible for) four, speedChange the mode of economic development (j) to promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure. Promoting the healthy development of strategic industries. Establishment of mechanisms for promoting new energy, strengthening the planning, project support, policy guidance, expanding domestic demand, to prevent blind expansion of solar energy, wind power equipment manufacturing capabilities. Development of a new generation of information technologies, strengthening the construction of network infrastructure, promote triple meltMake substantial progress. Devoting major efforts to developing high-end equipment manufacturing, energy-saving environmental protection, biological medicine, new materials for new energy vehicles, and other industries. Expand the scale of special funds for the technical innovation, promoting the upgrading of traditional industries. Cars, focusing on industries such as steel, shipbuilding, cement, controlled increments, optimization of stock, promote the merger and reorganization of enterprises, increase the concentration of industries and economies of scale. Implementation and completionGood policies to promote small micro-enterprise development, further reducing Enterprise burden, stimulate science and technology small micro-enterprise development. Implementation of conducive to the development of the service sector, taxation, and monetary policy, social capital to enter the service, improve the level of service industry development speed, proportion, for promoting. (Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of industry and information technology, Ministry of science and technology, Ministry of finance, Ministry of agriculture,Works, people's Bank, the Audit Commission, the Department of customs, national capital Commission, State administration of taxation, the General Administration of quality supervision, administration, financial regulators, energy and electricity regulatory Commission and the Ministry in charge) (11) to promote energy-saving emission reduction and eco-environmental protection. Total programme of work introduced step up the formulation of rational control of energy consumption, speed up rationalizing energy pricing system. Outstanding good job in industry, transportation, constructionBuilding and other key areas of life, public institutions, residents and thousands of key energy-consuming enterprises energy saving and emission reduction, further eliminating backward production capacity. Strengthen management, distributed energy and smart grid development, implementation of energy saving and generation dispatching, contract energy management, Government, energy-saving management of purchase, as well. Optimizing the energy structure, promoting the clean and efficient use of traditional energy, safe and efficient development of nuclearActively developing hydropower, accelerate research on shale gas exploration, development, increase the share of new and renewable sources of energy. Strengthening the construction of energy channels. Thoroughly implement the basic national policy of conserving resources and protecting the environment. Energy-saving and energy efficiency labeling supervision and inspection, encourage energy saving, water-saving and comprehensive utilization of land, materials and resources, to develop the recycling economy. Strengthening environmental protection, to address theHeavy metal, drinking water, air, soil, marine pollution and other prominent environmental problems of people's livelihood. Efforts to reduce the agricultural non-point source pollution. Strict supervision of dangerous chemicals. This year in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province, the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta in key regions and municipalities and provincial capitals, such as fine particulate matter (PM2.5) project monitoring, 2015 covers over all prefecture-level cities. Promoting healthState-building, establish and improve the eco-compensation mechanism, promote ecological conservation and restoration, strengthening grassland ecological construction, vigorously carry out reforestation, promoting desertification, desertification, management of sloping, strict protection of the sources of rivers, wetlands, lakes, and other important functional areas. Strengthening adaptation to climate change in particular capacity-building in response to extreme weather events, improving disaster prevention and mitigation capacities. Adhere to the common butDifferentiated responsibility principle and the principle of fair, constructive and promote the process of international negotiations on climate change. (Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of environment protection, Ministry of finance, the Ministry of industry and information technology, Ministry of transport, Ministry of housing in urban and rural areas, energy Bureau, Ministry of land and natural resources, Ministry of water resources, Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of science and technology, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, forestry, electricity regulatory Commission Bureau, the State authority, the Bureau of meteorology, marine in charge)(12) promoting the coordinated development of regional economies. Implementation of regional development strategies and major functional areas plans around the features and advantages into full play, further improving the coordination of regional development of basic public services and equal level. Conscientiously carry out the large-scale development of the Western region of the new 10-year policy measures, intensify their efforts in implementing the strategy of rise of central region, accelerating the old Northeast industrial baseRegeneration, and actively support the transition in the East and participate in international competition and cooperation at a higher level. Invest more in old revolutionary bases, minority regions, border regions and its support in poor areas. Better play special economic zone, Pudong new area, Shanghai, Tianjin Binhai New area to try an important role in reform and opening up. Development and implementation of the marine strategy, promoting the development of marine economy。 Strengthening and improving the trans-regional cooperation mechanisms, removing market barriers, promoting factor mobility, guide the orderly transfer of industry to promote positive interaction and coordinated development of regional economy. (Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of finance, the Ministry of industry and information technology, Ministry of environmental protection, Department of Commerce, Office of poverty alleviation, the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, the General Administration of quality supervision, the Marine Board responsible for) (13), actively and steadily promote urbanization. FollowUrban development law, from the reality around, promoting the coordinated development of big cities and small towns. Depending on the resource and population carrying capacity of the environment, optimizing the national distribution of productive forces, form a rational distribution of urban system and territorial size, resources, adapted to the development potential of the population distribution. City is to consolidate the economic base, creating employment opportunities, the improvement of infrastructure, improvement of HabitatEnvironment, strengthen management, enhance the quality and level of urbanization. More attention to stability of employment and residence for migrant town ordered into urban residents, relaxing small town settled in the conditions, reasonable guide population flows, allow more transfer of rural surplus labor force employment. Strengthen humane care and services for migrant workers, serving to address employment, social security,Children attending school, hire-purchase of housing and other aspects of the actual problem, gradually will cover basic public services to migrant workers in cities and towns. Caring for children, women and elderly left behind left behind left behind. Let farmers regardless of the city or stay home, is contentment, happiness of life. (Housing urban-rural development, human resources development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of social security, the Ministry of land and natural resources, Ministry of environment protection, Ministry of finance,Ministry of public security, the Ministry of agriculture, the Ministry of education, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Ministry of health, the National Committee on aging is responsible for) five, in-depth implementation of the strategy of national rejuvenation through science and education and the strategy of reinvigorating (14) adhere to the priority development of education. Central financial expenditure of national financial education 4% gross budgeting, financial arrangements, ensuring the achievement of that goal. Education funding processSecurity focus, strengthening the weak links, increase the efficiency. (Ministry of finance, development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of education is responsible for) (15) promoting education system reform. Strengthening the construction of teaching staff, carrying out quality-oriented education step by step solve the examination enrollment, education and other aspects of the problem. Promoting democratic governance, and gradually form a system. (Led the Ministry of education. Clear onlyDepartment and other relevant departments, are not listed, the same below) (16) to promote the balanced development of compulsory education. Allocation of resources to the Midwest, rural, remote, weak schools in minority areas and cities at an angle. Continue to take air force promoting school choice, the masses are concerned about the hot and difficult issues such as admission. Rural school layout to suit measures to local conditions, deal with improving the quality of educationQuantity and convenience of children go to school near relations. Do well in rural boarding schools, students ' nutrition improvement programme implementation of compulsory education in rural areas. Enhancing school bus management and campus safety, to ensure the children's safety. (Ministries of education, development and Reform Commission, Ministry of finance, Ministry of public security, the Ministry of transport in charge) (17) to promote the education of all types and at all levels of scientific development. Strengthening pre-primary education, continuing educationEducation and special education, construction of modern vocational education system. Do well in national education. Higher education to work closely with the national strategies for economic and social development needs, and improve the quality of education and creative ability. Improve the system of State student, step by step tuition policy to cover all rural students of secondary vocational education, expanding the scope of ordinary high school students with financial difficulties the family subsidy. Vigorously developing non-governmental educationEducation, encourage and guide social capital to enter the field of education at all levels. (Ministry of education, Ministry of human resources development and Reform Commission, Ministry of finance, social security, the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, the Federation of China, the Ministry is responsible for) (18) vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation. Strengthening the construction of national innovation system. Deepening the reform of science and technology, promotion of enterprise technology innovation, promotion of science and technology and economic work closely with-In. Support enterprises to strengthen research and Development Center, national and regional major projects of science and technology. Guide scientific research institutions, institutions of scientific research strength for enterprise technology innovation services, better achieve the combination of production and research, improve the scientific and technological achievement transformation and industrialization. Study on promotion of basic research and advanced technology, improve the ability of original innovation. Improving the assessment and reward system of science and technology. AdvocateAcademic integrity, encouraging independent thinking, protection of academic freedom, carry forward the spirit of science. Unswervingly implement the national IP strategy. (Ministry of science and technology, development and Reform Commission, Ministry of finance, Ministry of education, the Ministry of industry and information technology, national capital Commission, the intellectual property office, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the National Defense Science and Industry Council is responsible for) (19) full of capable personnel. Deepen the reform of personnel, trainingHigh-level creative talent, young talents and much-needed talent, introducing high-level capable personnel. Perfecting the incentive mechanism of personnel training, appointment, evaluation,. Strive to create a good talent, talent, can fulfill their social environment. (Department of social security, human resources development and Reform Commission, Ministry of education, Ministry of science and technology, Ministry of finance, Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of health, the National Capital Commission, the Office ofAccountability) 1 2 next share: QQ Sina microblogging channel featured crazy! college students ' "suicide" graduated according to the network again, "big eyes" summary of the life over the girls ' fire walk 40 mountain road to school inventory of Hollywood's top ten most lose money in film sick buyer knows is how to"Training"? Without this authorization, shall not be reproduced excerpts, or use other ways to use newspaper Media Group newspapers in southern issue of the network works. Contrary to the above statement, newspaper media group will pursue its legal responsibility in the South. Where the network marked "network in the South" of the work,By our own editing, copyright southern network. Without this authorization, shall not be reproduced excerpts, or used in other ways, this network will investigate its legal liability. 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