Monday, April 2, 2012

tera gold parents work in the field.At present - KFW

129773438978437500_1119News Tip 9 girls home from school, but riches; be moved by two men riding a motorcycle, on the road of man as posible. They pretended to send her back home, girl raped in the halfway. Recently, some Internet users Twitter burst out on the matter. Yesterday, contacted in duchang County spring bridge on old mountain village of Yuan Mou. "Girls are left behind children victims, parents work in the field.At present, her family has not been reported to the police. "He said. Offenders against children who remain in the media have reported that the 9 years old girl rape case was frequently injured left-behind children only the tip of the iceberg. So tera gold, who will not Bloom's "little flower"? Who is going to soothe injuries, "little flower" of mind? In this regard, said psychologists in our province, family tera power leveling, school and communitySafety education and the crisis of the left-behind children in general education, daily education of these very important preventive measures but it is by far the most lacking. At the same time, the public security organs should intensify crackdown on criminals, firmly dealt with. "Netizens claimed" Dou Changyi infringement of left-behind children recently, some Internet users according to Sina reported: the afternoon of March 21 in duchang CountySpring bridge together 9 years old mountain village female student was raped, female student was on his way home from school at that time, two men riding a motorcycle around the age of 30 the girls get on the train, said female students sent home. Unexpectedly, they took the girl to a remote place to rape, serious injuries caused girl reached down, currently under treatment in hospital. The news in Twitter after forwarding,Causing many users concerned. "Strongly demands that the police investigate and severely punish criminals. "Netizens" XING XING "appeal on behalf of a lot of users themselves. Netizen "Qi Qi" post, hope the injured little girl get a comprehensive treatment, particularly for the wounded heart of comfort. "Survey of journalists" two evil man wanted for Goldsmith, journalist on various contact spring bridge in duchang County insiderMr Yu, aware of events generally go through. "The girl is left-behind children, parents are working in the field. The afternoon of 21st, with girls and sister came home from school, when going to the Weir dam not far away from home, a motorcycle and car sits on two man of about 30 years old, is said to be flowing gold (Goldsmith). They said they'd have 9 year old girl sent home, let the girl's younger sister living aloneSince home. After a 9-year-old girl aboard, raped by two men to a remote place. Girl issued a cry of misery, the two men fled after the successful. "Yu told reporters. Investigate police station said yesterday morning, contacted in duchang County spring bridge on old mountain village of Yuan Mou. "22nd, I also heard that the little girl was ' bullied ' things. Parent of the injured girlWorking in the field, she and sister following her grandparents live. After the incident, she did not seem to go to the hospital, her grandparents were not reported to the police. Her parents were far apart, not to go home. "Yuan told reporters. Yesterday afternoon, Xu Town police station contacted the reporter and area. Police station, Director of the stone says, that have not yet received a report from girl's family, butThey will investigate. "News extension" lack of safety education for children left behind "was against the left-behind children takes place on the school trip, because this is the time period of left-behind children protection gaps. Therefore, schools need to strengthen the protection of the family. Parents can entrust their relatives, school or social forces to escort these children left in the specified time period in order to ensure their physical safetyTotal. "University psychologist, believes Guo Dehua in the province. East China Jiaotong University psychologist Robert Schumann considered, family, school, society should pay attention to training the children's sense of security and a sense of crisis. For example, emergency education should be based on the life of the child is the first left behind, strangers must pay attention to prevention, and walk together on the road. Against following the incident, on the aid to enhance theirMental comfort, with victims of left-behind children in therapy, mental hospital for psychological treatment for their children, their attention, as far as possible to eliminate their psychological shadow. In addition, the public security organs at all levels should pay attention to such cases, increased penalties for criminals the crackdown. /Yuan Qi too intern reporter Feng Xun Yang Yawen He Fangchao news links according to the relevant agency study found thatRural children accidental injury problem is much more serious, incidence of unintentional injuries among children left behind up to 46.8% was higher than that for children left in 13%, nearly one out of every two children left behind has suffered or is suffering from accidental injury. Studies also found that located in the rear of the top five children's accidental injury are: bite wounds, falls, traffic injuries, sharp trauma tera gold, electrical shock. An inquiryConfirmed that the type of guardianship of children's accidental injury and left behind, is closely related to household income and other factors. (Editors: Song Yuxin) Others:

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