Sunday, April 15, 2012

tera power leveling trainingPlans docking with the enterprise " - PUT

129779321219062500_12University research group means the abuse of public resources to help local government jobs Foxconn again because of its labor system was pushed on the air waves. Beijing time on March 30, United States non-profit fair labour Association (Fair Labor Association, hereinafter referred to as FLA) reported, violation of the labour rights of the Apple supplier Foxconn, if too long, arrears of wages and overtime payInsufficient to meet the basic living expenses of workers. The same day, from 20 colleges and universities in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan region involved in the 2012 "mainland China" Foxconn in university research report (hereinafter referred to as the survey report) is released, the investigation report noted that some local governments for Foxconn's investment process, abuse ofPublic resources, Foxconn by executive order means solving the problem of labour supply, boost school become a professional intermediary. Head of research group, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University-Deputy Director of the China Center for social work research, Mr David Prince to this newspaper that the Foxconn labor issues, including recruitment tera gold, student workers, the Government employees ' hidden, raise six problems such as foam andNot be fully reflected in the FLA reports. "The FLA report focuses on Foxconn's working hours and wage violations, and we report concerns the previously mentioned problems at the same time, is also concerned about Government recruitment and student of Foxconn worker issues. "Described, Mr David Prince on this. This paper has learned that by Peking University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Taiwan University and other University groupsResearch Group, since June 2010, Foxconn has followed, and has two published reports recently published its report for its third annual survey reports. "Taiwan," College Research Group found that as the Foxconn assembly line from the coast to the Mainland expands, Foxconn is increasingly favored by the local government. This favor is not only reflected in the landWorkshop on discount, tax tera gold, customs, in the shortage of manufacturing enterprise under the background of, also reflected in the Foxconn local governments to spare no effort to recruit workers. According to the investigation report, in Chongqing, Chengdu, Zhengzhou, Nanning Foxconn plant are found in the investigation of abuse of public resources, Foxconn jobs tera power leveling, willing to invest a lot of moneyGovernance and human resources. Henan as an example, the provincial government Foxconn labor demands as a recruitment target of level decomposition, issued to all levels of Government into an important political task, and financially significant subsidies. According to the described, Mr David Prince, in September 2010, the Henan provincial government issued, entitled the poverty alleviation Office on Foxconn technology group in Henan province in the poor areas of our province recruit trained staffCircular file, in the name of poverty alleviation for Foxconn recruitment tasks given to the local government. The documents show that, 9 months of the year for Foxconn complete the recruitment number of 20,000 people, recruits are mainly for vocational schools in poor areas of school interns and labor. In order to complete job tasks, the document also provides for the recruitment incentivesEmployment agency services is $ 200 per person payable to employment agencies, employment personnel $ 600 living allowance per person, while the provincial government organizations to reward Foxconn units of work and practice, only the first two subsidies totaling up to $ 16 million. "To meet the group in the labor needs of up to shishuwan people, local government investment in publicTotal resources far more than that. "The survey report said. In Chengdu, Chongqing and Nanning research group also found a similar situation. Report points out that "in the context of shortage, either the company or the local government, were spontaneously to look to a vocational school, because there are significant, young inexpensive student labor. "Local government investment in publicResources on behalf of Foxconn's job? In a December 30, 2011 Nanning Longan County Foxconn Foxconn technology group labor service further pointed out that in the files of the work programme, in order to "help Foxconn Nanning projects reduce the problem of labor tensions", the county established a county-led, including the people Bureau, the Education Bureau of the propaganda Department, and the Bureau, the Finance BureauTownship government, trade unions, Communist Youth League, women's federations, all consisting of "Longan County projects promoting Foxconn Nanning Labor Labor project leading group". According to the investigation report, the 420 people were allocated for the completion of the superior job tasks, the County will focus on the "cooperation between schools and enterprises" on request "guide school positive short-term training, early admissions, trainingPlans docking with the enterprise ", and specifically to" make full use during the September school, organized students into internships employment ", and specify the Longan County secondary vocational and technical schools for the unit in charge. , Mr David Prince said vocational school was chosen is because the education in vocational schools affiliated to the Government administrative system, to enable the recruitment targets of Government by executive order issuedTo the school and requested it to complete. The report considers, for vocational schools, who on the one hand by Foxconn transfer students receive significant financial subsidies and incentives, it also completes the employment indicators, made good on promises of employment. As a vocational school students, they must obey the school schedule, because they are "practice" is in the name of sendingInto the factory. The report considers, inspired by the Government, vocational schools to become Foxconn labor Agency, improving the professional skills of the impossible. Others:

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