Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera gold Chunlan Cup over the years we have some undesirable places - VSX

129773982778125000_19Chunlan Group Vice President Mr Liu Yafu Sina sports news Beijing time on March 27, the Nineth "Chunlan Cup" World Chess Championship held in Taizhou, Jiangsu Hotel News Conference.  Chess sport Administration Director Liu Siming, Chunlan Group Vice President Liu Yafu and Sumit Ganguly tera gold, players such as Lee Sedol and Cho Chi Hum attended the Conference. HairBuhui first statement by the Chunlan Group Vice President Liu Yafu, talking to him: "in Taizhou for today we feel the Taizhou high temperatures, I did want to tightly scripted tera power leveling, but we have already felt the Taizhou. 12 years ago we hosted the third in Taizhou. To date, the Chunlan Cup was held in 8, 14, over the years we have input in the Chunlan Cup is not important, important isChunlan Cup we could do better, Chunlan Cup over the years we have some undesirable places, but we hope that this event will get better and better. The other hand, we would like to tell you is that a sponsor such as Chunlan group sponsor the Chunlan Cup a competition in the world tera gold, what would he be? This held in Taizhou, is to give you zero-distance contact with Chunlan group, exhibitionChunlan look as shown in. I want to open up communication with you, and hope that we can in Taizhou Chunlan, Chunlan would also like to thank you, as always, support. "When the reporter asks:" what is the core power of the Chunlan Cup Sponsor go? "Liu Yafu replied:" a company sponsoring a race, to watch the races do not have increased quality. SpringBlue Cup now in our company already occupy a very important position on the internal Web site, building of enterprise culture is significant for us. Chunlan Cup sponsorship, we want to build a brand event, Chunlan Cup and the interaction itself is the core power of the Chunlan brand. "Reporters also asked:" now the world of chess playing games available start shortening occurred, more openShow more young players, Chunlan Cup will change? "Liu Yafu responded:" we have considered this point, but we concluded that a race from the start to develop some kind of system itself has its advantages and disadvantages. If only from the investment point of view, open for us, costs are lower. Chunlan Cup while maintaining the original style,The characteristics of the system itself, we think that is correct. Therefore, we do not intend to in the near future on the system changes. "Subsequently, the chess sport Administration Centre of China Director Liu Siming statements:" Chinese chess circles and Chunlan group worked closely over the years, for 14 years. Chunlan Cup with our brand bigger and stronger. The contest in Taizhou weAfter repeated communication with the Chunlan group, after the final weigh in many locations there are placed in Taizhou, Chunlan Cup 12 years ago has been started here, we have come here today, so that we can see changes and changes of Taizhou Chunlan group. "(Zhang Qi) Others:

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