Thursday, March 22, 2012

tera power leveling Ran Zhao - XBP

129756711669375000_1020[Guide] new study shows that men understand that opening more of Lady In Red, which suggest that humans may be used to apply color and bound together fecundity. New study shows that men understand that opening more of Lady In Red, which suggest that humans may be used to apply color and bound together fecundity. Red seduction theory is not new. Women usePink blush and bright lipstick nearly 12,000 years of history. United States Adam, a psychologist at the University of Rochester in New York. pazhada (Adam Pazda) and other researchers on the effects for the new study. Pazhada think this color effect may be derived from biology. Many Primate females to the mating season, female hormones hormones reach the top, faceBecome very red, and this seems to be action signals to the male. Pazhada says, so do humans. Scientists confirmed in previous research, regardless of how the style, even if it is just a t-shirt, red clothing more than other colors attract males. For clarity reasons, pazhada and his colleagues conducted a simple experiment. In the journal of experimental social psychology(Journal of Experimental Social Psychology) published research reports, scientists had to show 25 men treated, wearing different clothes and photographs of women and men in 1-9 on the woman in the context of open scoring. Results show that men RedPackage means that the female is more open. In fact, males in the evaluation of female sexual intentions when compared with white, wears Red clothes are usually higher, 1 to 1.5 minutes. Pazhada said, which in turn explains why male on female desire red the highest. If men believed that a more open tera power leveling, it will enlarge women's sex appeal. Some psychologists say tera power leveling, in the present, The study could not explain why men prefer red. May be evolutionary reasons, but may also be a cultural phenomenon tera power leveling, that it is passed down from generation to generation of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. In order to clarify this point, scientists should probably go to the secluded corner to verify why red was widely seen as representing the color of love. However, pazhada said, at least, women should be more careful, because that isLooks insignificant clothes, also issued an unexpected signal. Red is like a double edged sword, may attract unwanted attention. But that also gave the men a lesson, men understand that they mislead the attitudes to women may be affected by a number of factors. (Editors: Ran Zhao) Others:

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