Wednesday, March 28, 2012

tera gold we generally like to lurk in advance of the Sales Department - ZGO

129765814566151665_46Changes on the in a-share markets, both before and after the Spring Festival each year cattle stocks where the seasons, high to go after the annual programme will ignite "a fire in the winter", often burning fire to late spring. And 2011 is similar, high concept to go this year is still the leading units of the unit. Oticon pharmaceutical industry myths of last year was run this year share who reproduce, 23 consecutive even YangTrend of the market can only imagine. So, oticon pharmaceutical industry last year, this year's run shares, the same "cow shares" have what in common? These have in common is the capital speculation cattle unit "standard"? Review di pharmaceutical industry: 29 trading days or 120% idle characteristics of latent earn enough to jump ahead of Chengdu: lurking ahead, going upStop plate, holding one day throw. Oticon pharmaceutical industries is a company specializing in transfusion products, due to years of suffering before long "zombie stocks", its 2010 annual report, company net profits rose in the year 110.8%, rolling out to all stakeholders every 10 shares converted into 15 units of assignment. But while net earnings doubled, oticon pharmacy 2010 year operating income of $ 322 million, only 2.45% per cent. Visible in the oticon medicine 2010 annual report, rose di performance is the player in the pharmaceutical industry "flags of Shanghai investment management company" (flag). From $ 76,000 in early 2010, and to $ 6.1554 million in the end, oticon pharmaceutical industry alone buy trust and investmentA profit of more than 6 million. Checked 22 new listings which, inter alia, new income of 121,400, cost 20 million yuan in futures arbitrage income reached 1.0817 million Yuan, annual yield of 9.27%. In addition, 2010 oticon outside the pharmacy business revenue a year net increase of $ 7.45 million, for the increase in government subsidies and lack of payment of accounts payable. While4 months early in 2011 behind up to 141% per cent, floating capital of Chengdu local big brothers. Securities business Department of Chengdu private equity predators of Jin xiaohaidong oticon drug industry is the fifth-largest circulation shareholders, Chengdu famous floating capital in local sales-and-garden business, CITIC building investment and business Department of securities with the road in Tibet had appeared in oticon pharmaceutical boom DragonTiger on the list. According to the CITIC building cast horse garden business analysts Pan Cheng mentioned, sales department specializes in short-term liquidity, oticon pharmacy is available the next day high to notice sent after a message is transferred, that part of the money of the day before closing short positions quickly, in between profit-50% shipped in batches. By virtue of this wave, the money barons of the Sales Department, sit back and enjoyHuge income. History in the making-run stock: 23 even the Sun! 25 trading days or 161% characteristics of Jiangsu and Zhejiang floating drums take a fun jump: daily limit after adjustment, slowly, and then try again, slowly made cattle stocks. Run shares from the beginning of February of this year the who behind the scenes to promote? Its manual reflecting what characteristics? POONSaid: "we run shares was not involved in, because several promptingsfrom of the SFC issued prohibiting storm fried of the poor performance of the stock, our sales department and they had turned to other investments. "Pan Cheng said, we generally like to lurk in advance of the Sales Department, not like chasing rising stocks kill falls, they are optimistic about the vote would intervene at a very low price tera power leveling, and then by t 0 disc operations to reduce costs, the mostPulling the stage after they almost low enough to ignore the cost of revenue was also very profitable. Securities with the way business analysts in Tibet one spy too many of Tang Yong on cow shares experiences, run shares soaring, Tang Yong, said: "this is not our style of the sales money is good at. Run shares is adjusted after the two daily limit, slowly, and then pulling the, Hot pursuit of money like our sales department, especially the daily limit of stocks, they usually buy a point daily limit above the plate, holding one day throw, definitely not in her hand and slowly work cattle stocks. Like oticon, they are doing so, Jin Wang, Qingdao as well. "So tera gold, private equity behemoths of old xiaohaidong is still in the securities involved in this round of Jin chuan run shares the hype? As far as I knowSaid xiaohaidong had to leave gold securities business Department of Chengdu, Sichuan run shares the Sales Department, no money involved in the hype. Viewed from the side, with sales department to the main battlefield of floating capital suicide run shares the main causes of the rising. Reporter noted that since the year after, run show up seven of one spy too many shares, involved dozens of sales department. With Shanghai, NanjingWave of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Hangzhou mostly idle. Coincidence is that has been hailed as "Ningbo daily limit suicide IT home" with President Xu Xiang, earlier than previously private equity products through its Sun "Ze Hee 4 assembled funds trust scheme" secret hidden, idle since then "hit the flower drum" makes the unit slowly insane. See a book of Heroes during this information can be found, the high shipment of floating capitalEarly intervention of Jiangsu and Zhejiang floating capital. Since the company share price boom began, from Ningbo, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang's floating around in places such as the share price trend. So why is local money barons of Chengdu Sichuan run shares did not take part in the hype about? In this regard, Pan Cheng told a press conference: "Chengdu local liquidity is to a large extent its own funds, friends club together up to aggregationMoney, so for them, risk control is the first. Jiangsu and Zhejiang region of folk capital actively, but many of them are on loan to expand capital. These borrowing leverage of private capital was very high, so once the intervention stocks, is no more than 20% per cent do not receive back the cost. Emitted in the country prohibit storms fired after provisions of the poor performance of the stock, worried about the risk ofLocal money mostly choose to wait-and-see or participate in the risk of small stocks, and Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas floating capital dare to play flower drum beating, that's the difference. "Ancient and modern control two" cow share "similarities in resolving address: Sichuan fried fuse storms: high to go plan before the storm fried: poor performance diablo 3 gold, less bright spots," zombie stocks "characteristics such as oticon pharmaceutical industry last year and today run stakesHype line comparison, is not difficult to find many similarities, such as Sichuan, both companies are local companies, such as fried fuse light storm are high sent transfer plans. And run share and oticon belong to the poor performance of the drug industry, less bright, long-term stock tepid "zombies." Run shares the current fundamentals do not highlight, its main business was facing the strong cyclicalUncertainty of future development. Company results for the first quarter of the current notice per cent per cent to 30% only. 2011 earnings of $ 0.34 per share relative to the stock before the ex-dividend, earnings up to 63.58 times. It is clear that compared to the market as a whole more than 30 times the PE, its share price risk is not small. "Fried fried difference does not" phenomenon, security in TibetOn the master Tang Yong told reporters: "share a common set of characteristics, performance is unsustainable steady upward growth, companies such as Sichuan, in addition to the United States, including many new-listed growth enterprise Board, small and there are performance problems of instability. But performance is too good to lose imagination, good performance of stocks has never been no assets restructuring, asset injection also does not require a large shareholder, noThere are imagination shares how to interest? And, because of poor performance, need only run shares issuance, run-has conducted an additional two years in a row, relatively high market awareness, combined with the early market much better than years ago, so this creates opportunities to market. Moreover, companies also need to push up share prices in the market, to get agencies the additional participation shares inherent impulse of strong�� "He also said that money, especially money is profit, profit participation, high to go stories run in line with the current hype hot, high stock prices could also pave the way for companies on the issue. Chengdu local brokerage analyst told a press conference: "di hype more of the pharmaceutical industry is the major shareholder and subsequent reduction of shareholders ' needs. March 3, 2011, the company announced that 10 delivery15,2011, March 21-largest shareholder started big reduction of the Blu-ray group, from $ 15.85, 20.02 to April 11, 2011 high reduction, every reduction of prices of Blu-ray group were high. In June 2008, the Blu-ray group to $ 322 million di 52.51 million share of the pharmaceutical industry, became the largest shareholder, the average cost6.14/unit. Through the reduction of these three recovered $ 180 million. "-. Jing. XI. payment. thaw. vote. funding. Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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