Thursday, March 29, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling HM was detected" pH values - EHD

129765921284581250_16H Editor's note in 2012, in HM underwear David Beckham graphic and video advertising in business centers around the world, newspapers, magazines, and Internet media. HM a detonation of the fashion world's hotspots. Almost simultaneously, in mainland China, HM was due to repeated deep "quality", facing a credibility crisis. The China business newspaper reporter found that high speedMarkets and supply-chain management oversight of the HM in China into a dilemma. Speed of HM the King how to deal with quality problems of Chinese consumers? this period "3·15" special report on one of the "crazy fast fashion." Issue index: **** industry issues: improvement of quality detection of fast but not a mere formality: "process control" mode replace "postResponse "mode, increase the quality control personnel, strengthening the control of factory HM" quality "investigations out of supply chains on March 7, HM located in Nanjing West Road Shanghai flagship store entrance, twenty or thirty clients, or sitting on the railing diablo 3 power leveling, or move to small stools lined up. Here will be available the next day Italy design fashion brand MARNI working with HM, priced from $ 199To 999 Yuan. A customer told the China Business Times journalist, he began Queuing from 5 o'clock in the morning. In this flagship store, almost all of the clothing is a new product, only on the first floor of a corner, out of season clothes are for sale at a discount. One clerk describes all clothing if there is quality problem, customers can return in 30 days.However, for many customers, HM's biggest attraction is not guarantee of returns, but their low price. In the bustling stores, customers will pay heed, not long ago, "quality" event, HM sweater products have slipped off the shelf. On January 19, the Shanghai quality and technical supervision Bureau released a report on the market for wool knitted fabricsThe sampling results, on the ineligible list, a sweater top with HM, problems on the inadequate fiber content. However, has entered its 5 years in China, HM, this does not make it too uncomfortable, because twice on the historical experiences of China quality black list to tell it, it would not have too much impact on it. Big-name credibility crisis since 2007 years since HM to open first store in China, HM has at least 3 times is home to industry and commerce diablo 3 gold, quality supervision departments in sampling as much as the "disqualification". On January 28, 2012, reports published by Shanghai quality and technical supervision Department: number as "605040/2011.6", specifications for fiber content of 175/100M HM knitted sweater project realTest results and product label does not match. Reporter sweater sampling does not call the qualified HM Sweden Stockholm headquarters Marie Rosenlind, head of news, she said, the matter is subject to the response to China. For the detected problems this time, HM Fu Xiarong told reporters China PR Manager, HM this is sampling aMen's sweaters diablo 3 power leveling, fiber content is marked on the label 38%, but check out the results of said content is only 28%. HM products off the shelves, and accepted the return. HM has been trying to remedy, and apologized to consumers. HM the unqualified sweaters made in China, production date is June 2011. HM company has identified these sweaters manufacturersAnd problem link, and manufacturer communications, but said the problem will not be disclosed. Shanghai quality and technical supervision Bureau staff member told a press conference in each of the quality supervision Bureau sampling checks on all kinds of products on the market, and, depending on the market, increase the frequency of sampling. In clothing, generally focus on sampling in winter down jacket, sweater, etc. In addition to the identified "knitting sweatersFiber contents test result does not comply with product marking ", in June 2010, the Shanghai quality and technical supervision departments also found HM sampling a knitting leisure shirt pH values are not qualified, while in 2008, HM was detected" pH values, components and tags do not match the clothes. " Others:

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