Friday, March 30, 2012

tera gold after such "proof" after the procedure - XSF

129773214333125000_37Today, the media published a survey report, "experts say ', only in more than 20 countries around the world do not have free health care ', cause social concern" issues, "proof" of its diplomatic reporter, the World Bank and China experts. Its conclusion was: the medical system in more than 70 countries in the world are found only on Cuba the true meaningUniversal free medical care, patients see a doctor without having to spend any fees, other medical insurance system in all countries, even the relatively perfect state, patients take a certain amount of fee is required. Slightly older Chinese people all know, the "universal free medical care" and eat and drink free "Community Center", both of which used to be part of the blueprint for the construction of Chinese Communist. ChinaPursue the policy of reform and opening up previously, despite limited national capability, limited financial resources, limited income, but implement a medical system in towns, it is in accordance with the "universal free medical care" principle runs. That low level of health care is the so-called "free" to be made of the financial payment basis. "Minor illness, disease or die" tera gold, such a process, if there is medical insurance,So it can't spend too much money.����Thus, "free" behind health care actively as a basis of "free", there is medical not negative as a premise of "free". Precisely because many people surviving on "free health care" section of memory, therefore, with a low level of medical "universal free medical care" national examples, can deterWhen some on "universal free medical care". And examples of this, the effect may not be confined to deter.����To understand the "universal free medical care" what people don't say "free", is to lose out, they do not want ranks second in the world the so-called "universal free health care" of the country. However diablo 3 gold, China's current problems, butTotally not should achieve "universal free medical care system" problem, but how is not high level of medical care insurance coverage to people's problems, how to achieve more equitable and implementation of problems of medical insurance system, is how to make the payment of health insurance costs the public get the absurdity whereby health insurance problems. These "primary stage" issue, and "liveFree medical "does not have a common border.����Therefore, in China discussing the "universal free medical care" problem is like a malnourished "skinny" discussed its programme of liposuction. "Experts say ', only in more than 20 countries around the world do not have free health care, '", it is a buzhiyigu problem. This "expert" so-called "free health care",Purported to refer patients to pay a small amount of high level medical care insurance system, is Cuba's patient money can pay by "universal free medical care", seems impossible to study. And, after such "proof" after the procedure, I am afraid that there will not be "expert" "claim" and "only in more than 20 countries around the world do not have free health care," said. However, in the "expert" huyouHave excessive overdraft after expert reputation, even if "experts" really said this, also do not have to go to war.����In many cases, the "experts", is the fury of windmills as the Devil's curse. "Declare war on the Windmill" result is likely to be missed, avoidance tera power leveling, transfer issues, and therefore "grown" real problems. As a matter of factAnd as far as the medical security system in China, there are countless problems waiting for "proof". For example, medical insurance cover for all the public problems of financial structure, abroad, how, how to guarantee, oversight; medical insurance organizations is how to restrict medical institutions to achieve and maintain a balanced price of medical; how restrictive health insurance the insured company; insuranceFraud, insurance agencies, medical institutions, unreasonable refusal, fictitious medical record of judicial intervention, and so on, are in the process of establishing and perfecting the medical insurance system in China really problems demanding prompt answers. Such foreign issues together, on China's medical insurance system might be more useful. Others:

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