Friday, March 30, 2012

tera power leveling 129773438590312500_106 - UPB

129773438590312500_106Coal resources for price calculation and collection of the tax reform has no suspense, but single or differential mode as well as the specific launch time, at a rate of pilot cities, remains to be decision makers to determine further. On March 22, the National Energy Board Secretary Fang Junshi coal in the coal industry development "Twelve-Five" Press Conference made it clear that the plan: "coal resources tax reformIs made from income to income, but because of the coal resources tax reform is more complex, such as coal prices more, Hang Hau, open price, finally also in the design of the reform programme. "Because of the tax is a local tax, tax into price after levying coal resources, local revenue will increase, to ease the current tensions in the local finance generally. ButInterviews many experts said that coal currently accounts for about 70% of energy at a time, in a seller's market position, once the resources tax reform under way, rising costs of enterprises, is bound to cost shift pressure to downstream industries such as electric power, iron and steel, the macro will have a certain effect. Business gaming tax is essentially the Government in order to protect and promote rational development and utilization of State-owned natural resources, Appropriate adjustment resources levied a tax differential incomes. At present, tax resources tax areas such as petroleum, coal, natural gas and other non-metallic mineral ore, black, non-metallic mineral ore, non-ferrous metals ore ore, such as salt, levy income is mainly from the volume. Has 18 years of history from the income approach widely criticized. Quantity calculation and collection of resource revenue models that purported to reflectEnterprise resource usage, the exploitation of resources of corporate tax, mining resources, how much tax payers, thereby encouraging enterprises to improve efficiency of resource extraction. But that's a big limitation is that the tax levy arrangements without regard to the enterprises in the production process of the waste and environmental damage costs, will not reflect changes in the price of resources. If the implementation of the tax from the price calculation and collection of coal enterprisesGenerally reflect the tax burden increased, hoping and supporting policy, cancel some coal tax for funds and administrative fees, and manpower involved. Suffering from debt-plagued land revenues and reducing local government, it can be so substantial tax dividends, are actively lobbying and promoting the reforms. Increasing account according to the just-enacted the coal industry development "Twelve-Five" plansShows that "Twelve-Five" during the new year started construction scale of 740 million tonnes, 2015 yield control of around 3.9 billion tons of coal. Assuming the rate of coal resource 5%, energy coal around the Bohai Sea coal net price $ 775/t as a rough estimate for the current period, 2015 national coal resources tax amounting to about $ 150 billion, an average annual increase of about $ 30 billion。 Resources tax reform before the boot floor last year, ratifications of Xinjiang to pilot a year to increase local revenue, improve people's livelihood. According to the statistical data shows that pilot reform of resource tax a year in Xinjiang local fiscal revenues significantly. Xinjiang in January 2010 that is not from the price calculation and collection of, oil and gas tax revenue of only $ 371 million, from the price collectionJuly-December, tax revenue up to $ 2.164 billion oil and gas resources. On the two sessions this year, Inner Mongolia, and Xinjiang has been submitted to the State Council for conducting experimental reform of coal resources tax to the Bureau. Xinjiang deputies suggested that wish to work in Xinjiang coal resources tax reform as soon as possible, timely promotion of iron, copper, nickel, lead and zinc mines of other resources, such as tax reform. Inner Mongolia delegationAccording to a proposal, in the present coal supply and demand situation of tension tera power leveling, high prices, coal resources tax from the amount of the fixed income, did not properly reflect the scarcity of coal and the market value of non-renewable, coal, coal mining and environmental damage costs. In this regard, experts say, introduction of the coal resources tax to consider on the coal industry, downstream enterprises toEffects and the real economy tera power leveling, make overall plans tera gold, tax increase part to practical use in the repair of the local ecology, resource on the province's economy and people's livelihood. (Editors: Cao Luç’ ) Others:

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