Monday, March 26, 2012

diablo 3 gold develop our own carbon emissions trading system - SXO

129731262623135477_35Recently China's civil aviation authority issued to all airlines "ban", with two "no" to strong EU carbon tax "declared war". "No transport airline participating in the EU emissions trading system in the country, prohibiting the transport airline to increase this by increasing tariffs or fees. "China Civil Aviation Authority recently issued to all airlines" ban ", with two"No" to strong EU carbon tax "declared war". On January 30, the EU emissions trading system starts the registration mechanism has been in the aviation industry. According to the EU requirements, its trading system covers all airlines are required to register in the system of accounts and before March 31 of each year emission data of the previous year into the mechanism, provided before April 30Sufficient to offset the emissions of the previous year's emissions.  If it joined the EU carbon emissions system, according to the calculation of air, 33 air enterprises in 2012, thus increasing the total cost of 800 million Yuan, has increased since then in 2020 to reach $ 3 billion. The resolution through European Union legislation. In this "minus the war", how will China's aviation industryProtecting their own interests?  The EU forced the "carbon tax" what is the real intention behind? Multi-pronged response to "push toward the good, do the worst of it.  "China Air Transport Association market Minister Zhu Qingyu phrase summarizes the challenge of China's aviation industry. News that as early as in October last year, airlines Association to the United Nations in four major airlines sued in the European UnionImposition of "carbon tax" plan. "Will not give up this road, once a suitable opportunities and conditions, also will seek. "Zhu Qingyu admitted to the China Securities newspaper reporter, to European Court faced a lot of difficulties and pressures, many assessment needs to be done, still needs to be fully familiar with the local laws," from the United States to prosecute failed precedent can be seen, current European Court of Justice and the position of legal interpretationCertain tendencies. By contrast, China is to do your homework will be more. "European airlines to fly China Airlines companies also impose a carbon tax? Zhu Qingyu believes that it easier to evolve into a trade war, beneficial to the healthy development of the economy and industry are open to question. Delay or reduction of Airbus orders for navigation and enterprise practices, Zhu Qingyu also that little effect, and at present domestic air travel requiredSeeking big, plane sources are not, such an approach may eventually harm themselves or China Airlines and enterprise. "Airlines have been to promote energy-saving emission reduction, right from the beginning in the 1980 of the 20th century in the study and promotion of various ways to reduce fuel consumption. "Zhu Qingyu also pointed out that, because of energy conservation and emission reduction in the aviation industry is improvement of aircraft engines, and most aircraftOriginating in the US and Europe, Chinese shipping enterprises can do is very limited.  For trade counter, said Zhu Qingyu, all countries should comply with the international aviation Convention, airlines hope within the limit as far as possible to bring the matter to the airline industry, will not take the initiative to make this pick, unless it is forced. Analysis of other people, according to a Ministry of Commerce, China the EU certain tariffs on Chinese appeals to WTO, if win only against a tariff levy. "But at the moment the European Union requires carbon emissions trading in aviation enterprises belong to the jurisdiction of the WTO are not known, through the tools of the trade for countering the surviving a certain degree of difficulty.  "He said.  Other than industry, enterprise level, the Chinese Government has actively campaigned in the interest of the Aviation Enterprise. On January 5, the Foreign Ministry spokesman said at a routine press conference on the tableAs shown in the oppose EU unilateral legislation. On February 6, the Civil Aviation Authority official statement, said the EU practices in violation of the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change and the relevant principles and relevant provisions of the International Civil Aviation Organization; the Chinese side through bilateral and multilateral channels to the EU side expressed concern about many times, against other international flights into and out of the EU emissions trading system; the Chinese side will also beAccording to developments, to consider taking the necessary measures to safeguard the interests of their citizens and enterprises.  In another development, the current Civil Aviation Bureau, Ministry of Commerce diablo 3 gold, Ministry of Foreign Affairs has set up a working group to discuss the response measures. If it joined the EU carbon emissions system, on the impact of China Airlines? According to the calculation of air, "listed" 33 air enterprises in 2012 will increase the total cost800 million Yuan after rising in 2020 and $ 3 billion, 9 years cumulative pay carbon taxes of about $ 17.6 billion. "The most important thing, is the negative impact on the long-term development of the Chinese aviation industry. "The members of the Department of Commerce considers that, although the EU request shipping enterprises to join the system in the world, including EU aviation companies, but for aviation enterprises of developed countries,Its European routes had a more complete, and only part of China.  Once joined, each newly opened routes in future will increase the cost of many, are clearly not conducive to the growth of sustainable development of China's shipping enterprises. Avoid "into the urn" from the EU since the Bill was published in 2005, has been caused by the global airline industry even more countries almost unanimously against the Government, but the EU is still "I rowMy element ". Promoting energy-saving emission reduction why many questions?  Imply other intentions behind it? "European Union legislation, forced national airlines to join its carbon emissions trading system, has its deep economic interests in it. "Analysis of Zhu Qingyu, all European Union Member States to varying national conditions, without affecting the existing interests of States under the premise of, how to solve the economicSource of income is a headache for the establishment of the EU. "Under the head of climate warming, carbon emissions trading system, to profit from interest to another source. "" While the EU says it is not a tax but a deal. But through legislation, forced to global aviation companies are involved in this trade, which is contrary to the market economy of trade equality, voluntaryPrinciple?  "Zhu Qingyu believes that such a use under unfair conditions, legal weapon, forcing each other according to their established trading rules of behavior is in fact acts of high-handedness, covered with a beautiful coat. "On such a hidden in energy conservation and emission reduction the true intentions behind the name, we should be analyzing and revealing, and on this basis to disseminate correct concepts, common pushThe healthy development of the industry.  "Zhu Qingyu told the China Securities newspaper reporter, after too many airlines in the European media to interview airlines tells why the oppose reason, but in the end had sunk below. According to a source close to the EU source, is currently the EU's position is that the motion has 27 Member States agree and legislation passed, reverse again is unlikely; the onlyConcessions China is given certain concessions or exemptions, such as loose ladder quota-free of charge for a period of time, give a little more or less money. "But how are also determined through negotiations.  "He said. To this, Zhu Qingyu, mandatory for the first practice of the European Union is neither legitimate nor reasonable. China is resolutely not recognized, nor should they accept their possible exclusion-Free or preferential terms. "This is equivalent to a recognition of its legal validity to China, this is a matter of principle. As a big country, China cannot back down on the issue of principle.  "He said. "To exert diplomatic pressure. At the same time, you can take a look at what other countries have taken measures, can ' ride ', or with other countries to put pressure on United. ThisCan also take some of the more hidden out retaliatory measures.  "Li Yonghui Dean of international relations, Beijing Foreign Studies University, believes that as the resolution has been increased to the legal dimension, change certain difficulties do exist, therefore should also be considered if you really implement to get compensation. Seize the commanding Heights "from the perspective of the EU levy ' carbon tax ' I'm afraid will not onlyIn the aviation industry. From proposal to implementation, from domestic to abroad, the EU did step by step promote its carbon emissions trading system, its determination of a firm. And in the end, is likely to be extended to a wider area, or even extended to EU imports of products into another form of non-tariff barriers. "Analysis of the Central Party school's International Institute for strategic studies Professor Gao Zugui further deeper EULevel plans. "From the perspective of international relations, which is the focus of a new round of national competitiveness. "Gao Zugui pointed out that, in this" green economy "era, attempting to process of global transformation of mode of economic development of the European Union, the implementation of its standards, concepts, establish rules of the game, so as to seize the industrial dominance and the commanding heights of the economy development in the future. "It's about the next few decades years EULife issues in the international competition, even if full of resistance, it is estimated that it will still push.  "In the face of such a new international competition, China will gain the initiative in the game? "On the one hand, if the European Union unilaterally forced the" carbon tax "would result in distortion of global economic development. If the final costs to the general public, and will most likely affect the publicRelated industry, Government, and even view on Sino-EU relations.  "Analysis of Gao Zugui said concessions in force is not likely a lot of cases, how to balance different interests, shared responsibility, should be carefully considered. "On the other hand, from the viewpoint of long-term, fundamental measures, China needs to improve its competitiveness in the carbon emissions trading, more determined to change economicExhibition mode.  "He pointed out that the EU is so firmly, its" energy "can come from in terms of carbon emissions on the one hand a more leading-edge technology and trading systems, and seize the moral high ground to protect the environment, really easy to" strike "us. He is expected to charge a "carbon tax", perhaps in the future will not only be limited to the airline industry, not only is the EUAnd those on carbon emissions technology has advantages of countries are likely to follow suit. "We have to take precautions. Technology to enhance our own carbon emissions, develop our own carbon emissions trading system, on the other hand you want to study in advance which industry may expand in the future, do not then subject to others. "Gao Zugui concludes. Others:

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