Thursday, March 22, 2012

tera gold a total of 100 basis points - RVG

129764343210625000_24Rating Fund earn enough money effect the eye mobile phone free March 16 tera power leveling, 2012, China business times view comments February macroeconomic data released: consumer price index CPI rose 3.2%, rose-0.1%, industrial producerFactory price index, PPI rose 0.1%.Year. For investors, no worries about inflation for the year 2012. Even more important is that as inflation environment improvement, will be launched for preconditioning fine-tuning policies to further create better conditions. In 2012 the year slightly too loose policy neutral and conducive to the operation of the capital market. Inflation is expected to continue decline according to the macroeconomic regulation and control has shownEffectiveness, there is a clear decline in inflation, consensus forecasts inflation in the industry is expected to continue to decline in the future. But because of the absolute level of prices remain high, in General, significantly easing is unlikely, is toAnd the market is two: determine the decline of growth in investments and not to determine when to pick up the inflation.Dropped to near zero is very difficult, without excessive monetary easing credit conditions, maintenance of interest rates may be monetary authoritiesMonopoly industries to stimulate private investment, in particular may stabilize the rapid decline of the real estate investment as a matter of urgency. Analysts pointed out that the Bank is still the quantitative tools as the main means of regulation, since last December has lowered the reserve twice, a total of 100 basis points, 2-3 might be the future of persistent downward. CPI rose by 3.2% Had less than one-year fixed deposit interest rates, ended nearly two years of negative interest rates, but given the CPI y/y and spaces between the one-year deposit rate is not large, did not see the deposit interest rate cut in the near future, more likely to be market interest rates downward.Risk factors, domestic 2012, China's economy will continue to dip, but structural differentiation: export bearing down tera gold, smooth consumption, and investment. In the case of traditional growth unsustainable model, Governments seek transformation. Although the road to transition to happen overnight, tortuous and difficult inevitable, but industrial upgrading and optimization of the structure and the rise will be to determine the direction of the consumer tera power leveling,Demands by the speed of economic growth to the quality is the ultimate goal of restructuring. Others:

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