Thursday, June 28, 2012

what kind of a person he is

129838042559375000_75Durant: my insatiable Fisher: he is a great man Yeah sporting on June 10: AP, at one time, Thunder is a team making a record of 3 WINS 29 fish belly mocked by the Union as a whole, but to this day, Durant his humility and hard work lead to the team has reached the finals only took 3 years of time. "There will always be a you could pursue higher goals. In the field of basketball, youAlways able to do better in some ways, I guess so, "Durant said in an interview today, after the end of the training. "I have not seen a player can occupy in every respect rule view my site here, he could not do into each ball, get every rebound and sent assists at a time, so I guess you could always improve, that's my mentality. "Durant nowYear once again got the League scoring honors, he also became the 7th in NBA history took off for 3 consecutive years scoring players. He scored 28 points, shooting has created a career of highs, while creating high Point Percentage, rebounds, assists, and Cap for these data. "I would not say I have been very satisfied, "Durant said," I'm very happy I made a little progress, but I still have a long way to go, I thought that if I continue to enhance the spirit of the game, watch a video, understanding how the defense will deal with you, understanding what would my team-mates, so I can do a better job. "" I have to continue to be self promotion. "When Durant becomes restrictedWhen a player, it was feared that small market teams will lose their t-the number one star, because the contrast here and there are not that many opportunities to make money and fame standing looking. However, Durant did not even add a jump to the contract options, he chose to spend 5 years in echeng. "My job is to come here, every day went a step further, here has provided me with the mostGood opportunity, "Durant said," the city's leisure, very quiet, and fits my personal character, so it is very suitable for me. This is a perfect, is perfect for your family, is a wonderful relaxing place, I enjoyed. "" I know all of you is about to play basketball, is to continue to become better. As to whereIn play, this really is not a very important thing, I'm not the kind to seek to the larger cities to play ball players diablo 3 power leveling, or is looking to outside players to earn more money, I am not this person. "" I was buried, after a right in the squad to play ball, that's all. "" I believe that Durant's character, what kind of a person he is, these areBecame he presence Shang success of factors one, I wanted to these influence is and he in Stadium Shang of skills also important of, "Durant of teammate Fisher said," Dang you on themselves of teammate made on of things, you treat they full respect, dang you hope they like you as success Shi, so good of things on will in you who occurs, they will themselves found up. The good environmentIs Durant, and effectiveness of the team set up every day in the process. "" Is all of these things because Durant is what kind of a person. He is not only a great player, he is a great person. ��

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