Monday, June 11, 2012

Rift Platinum - YWYZ

129828564378437500_70New computer virus "flame" to attack Iran energy facilities "Network warfare is no longer a concept but a reality. "Kaspersky Lab announced on 28th, discovering a massive destructive power of new computer worms and viruses" flame "(Flame). The virus is wide spread in the Middle East, Iran most heavily affected by the virus. Kaspersky speculated, "flame" the virus has been spread for at least 5 years in the countries of the Middle East TERA Gold。 "The flame" virus discovery than in the past, the "poison" (DuQu) and "seismic network" (Stuxnet) virus structure is more complex, more damaging. 3 of these viruses is this Russia first discovered by security company, Kaspersky, this new virus may be "a country developed network of weapons of war". Israel Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Strategic AffairsLong Moxi·yaalong yesterday hinted that Israel and Iran by computer viruses "flame" of attacks-related. "All of Iran (nuclear) as a major threat, (assumption) it was taken (including computer viruses, attacks) various methods to prevent (Iran developing nuclear weapons), it all made sense. "He also added that" Fortunately Israel is aAdvanced country, proud of our technology provides us with a wide range of possibilities. "Countries affected in the Middle East two weeks ago, Kaspersky found a" flame "virus, at the United Nations under the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) request Kaspersky to see the safety analysis report in April of this year. This month, Iran petroleum Ministry and Iran's national oil company had been a maliciousSoftware attacks to steal the software and delete the relevant information. Kaspersky found that target the virus seems to be only for the computer systems of the countries of the Middle East. In addition to Kaspersky, Hungary's two anti virus laboratories and Iran anti-virus bodies are also discovering this new worm. Iran computer emergency response team said on 28th, theyHave been developed to detect "Flamer" virus tool, and at the beginning of May this year to a specific organization, while developed to delete "Flamer" virus tools. Kaspersky believes that Iran says "Flamer" virus, Kaspersky say "flame" virus is one thing. Chief Security experts of the Kaspersky yalishanda·GeSIKatsuo said as "flame" virus large and written very complex, so you may need to spend a few years in order to fully understand all of the virus, "our analysis ' seismic network ' virus has spent half a year. And the ' flame ' virus complexity than ' seismic networks ' 20 times higher. To fully understand the ' flame ' virus, we might have to spend 10 years on。 "Iran approximately 30,000 Internet terminal and PC 2010 Bushehr nuclear power plant employees were" seismic network "virus infection. This worm program designed specifically for wide application in Iran infrastructure of Germany Siemens industrial control systems, an attacker makes, is known as the world "digital bullet". It is reported that "flame" virus structure is complex, has never been sickHIV can reach their level, is a new network of spy equipment. The virus can replicate and spread through USB memory and network, and to accept instructions from multiple servers around the world. Infection "flame" computer virus will automatically analyze your network traffic laws, automatic recording Diablo 3 CD-KEY, record the user's password and keyboard percussion pattern, and results and other important documentsTo the servers of remote controlled virus. Once the data collection task is complete, these viruses can also destroy on their own, without leaving a trace. However there are some network security technician question "flame" virus threat. Webroot Qiao·yaluohe says company senior management, this virus is cleared, "a lot of it is less dangerous viruses". At present Rift Platinum, the studyIt is unclear how this worm was first to enter computer systems. According to Kaspersky, subjected to "flame" virus-infected countries, including Iran (189 goals), the Palestinian territories (98 goals), Sudan (32 goals), Syria (30 goals), Lebanon (18 goals), Saudi Arabia (10 goals) and EgyptAnd (5 goals). Number of infected computers worldwide estimated between 1000 to 5,000 units. Kaspersky attack group called network warfare, and used to attack Iran nuclear project of computer systems "seismic networks" compared to the virus, "flame" viruses are not only more intelligent, and the target of the attack and the code is also a large difference between. "Seismic network" and "flame" virusAre not the same (or group) by programmers. "The flame" virus attack mechanism is more complicated, and attacks the target with a specific geographical location, this may indicate that the "flame" virus behind the team most likely operated by government agencies. Gostev believes that "flame" virus could come as early as in March 2010 released by an attacker, but had not been able to be other networkCollateral security company found that "the ' flame ' contains a lot of code. In the past two years have not been detected by the network security firm, this phenomenon is quite surprising. "Some clues suggested," flame "virus appeared as early as the time of even date back to 2007. Seen, "seismic network" and "HIV" virus creation time is about two for 2007 yearBefore and after. Last year, according to a research report of Kaspersky, "Although the two viruses like two different teams design and programming, but combining them organically to form a network attack. "But Kaspersky says," flame "some features previously found in viruses" seismic network "and" HIV "two viruses similar, showing three viruses may" have common ancestry ". Now"Flames" after the virus was found, some analysts think, it seems to be about the "network warfare" attack group. "Seismic network" virus attack is Iran nuclear facilities, "HIV" virus attack is Iran industrial control system data, and "flames" virus attack is Iran oil sector of business intelligence. Kaspersky co-founder and CEO Eugene KasperskySaid in a statement: "the ' seismic network ' and ' poison ' virus is part of a series of attacks, which drew members of the global security guard. ' Flame ' discovery of the virus means that Internet Security entered into a new phase of the war. We must understand, such as the ' flame ', the virus can be used to attack any country easily. ” Others:

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