Friday, June 29, 2012

Liu jindong large age

129838042567656250_96Detailed Luneng defense: defending poor awareness of yuanweiwei as a whole not to blame Yeah sporting June 10: the first 11 rounds, Luneng lost 15 balls, 1.35, team war history of ultra, lost the ball to 2nd, this in 2004, only 11 rounds before losing 16. in team history, ranked 3rd, 1995 during the first 11 rounds has lost 16 balls. And this year will top League 2,Poor team Defense has a great relationship. "Recommended reading open Luneng why two key offensive and defensive collapse caused by poor data into degraded areas" "graphic Luneng goals recommended reading: mobile warfare thrown 12 balls gawk opponents broke into a common" "recommended reading 11 15 lost balls! history of poor third Luneng defense on par" Maginot, Andre, "" lost in 15 balls, 3 isRivals head home; 3 were opponents of positioning the ball break, 12 goals from the mobile warfare, the team lost 12 balls came from within the closed area, in defense of the difference can be seen in the closed area. In so many goals, for various reasons, attention deficit disorder, and defense players staring at people is not tight, and so on, as for the following three reasons is the root cause of Luneng poor defensive:1. personal soldier ' defence capability inadequate, lines Neptune PIN is missing. Luneng defense and midfielder now no one can claim to have defended the vanguard, Zheng Zheng to attack light guard, defensive hesitation; Qiang Wang slow, inadequate courage wisdom; Fabiano turned slow; yuanweiwei sense of location difference; Yang Liu click here, lack of experience; as for the midfielder, defensive force Cui Peng of the most long-term and dislocated ankle,Liu jindong large age, blocking ability decreases significantly, other midfielder Li Wei, Wang Yong Bo, who is attacking light guard, therefore, integrated together, Luneng a Neptune-pin defense is missing people, no one can command loudly everywhere on defense layout key players in defense of team-mate. Predrag Pazin, Cichero, man-made Luneng win Super has made distinguished achievements in. Secondary transfer,Luneng may be considering the introduction of such a player. Shortly before rumors of Korea International Defender Li Zhengxiu is a good choice. 2. the player defending poor awareness of light guard of attack has become a habit. Now these players basically is Touba, heavy attack light guard of his defence is never the first, more than the opponents goal is pursued by him. So, then Shandong LunengBecause Super attack belies his poor defensive weaknesses, it is under the influence of Touba, players also got defensive consciousness of the lighter. After Yi Wanhe Madzic, who, on the team's Defense has not improved, Teng Kate, defense is less and less attention, because the players are used to attack. Rivers, many forms of classical conditioningIs very difficult to get rid of, so if you want to improve the defense, Luneng much needs to be done. 3. poor team defense as a whole, the lack of system. A good team defense, will have a very good defense system. Luneng defense, there is no system at all, and this was from Palestinian ills left over from the times. Which was a team missing defensive system, that is, when weIndividual defence ability is low, and to arrange for the appropriate tactics to fill this gap. Such as the closing down, when the players individual defence ability got bad, some human interaction on a small scale the hustle, it is easy to upset your opponent's offensive rhythm, thus reducing the opponents attack threats. If there is a condition, and even imitation Barcelona, while closing down and others closing downNo ball player, to truncate the opponent's ball with this route, of course, the very high demands on awareness, technical, physical, and team in General is difficult. For Teng Kate to make big changes, more difficult, he was, after all, tend to attack coaches, each more than the opponent into a ball, Luneng is sufficient to get the Championship. As was said by many Luneng fans out yuanweiwei,Must first recognize is that he does have errors in the match, his biggest weakness is the poor defensive positioning, often lose their defenders, and sometimes the head, such as the national security the red card at the game, and another when he is incredible read more, such as success that place a 360 degree turn. However even though he has mistakes, but he's not Shandong LunengBlame poor defense. As noted above analysis, Luneng poor defense in the final analysis is also a player of consciousness, as well as the overall problem, relationship to the single individuals are not particularly large. Because poor midfield interception, coupled with the defense of other players after not enough reliable, yuanweiwei had to fill in for team-mate, so has his own defenders are exposed, so we will keepShould appear do not appear to see him, and viewing the match from yuanweiwei was also quite good. Therefore, as the fans, the yuanweiwei killed by choke plug is not a stick. Also want to say that many fans say yuanweiwei Shandong Luneng of the people concerned, however it is understood this is not the case. Not saying that prove what, just a ballUnder too much should not be something he is under is unfair. The players are human, also requires you to treat and care from the Shandong football and better tomorrow needs of Chinese football fans and players together to create!

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