Thursday, June 28, 2012

home appliance trade-in

129838017168281250_8Energy conservation subsidies introduced consumer boom is expected to demand pull 450 billion This weekend, because the household appliance energy-saving policy of subsidies, household appliance stores in the major cities, business is booming. Manufacturer State subsidy policy stores subsidies, triple preferential subsidies of nearly thousand Yuan, attracts a large number of consumers to purchase energy-efficient appliances products. This is following the home appliances to the countryside, home appliance trade-in policy, ushered in a new round of upsurge of consumer appliances in the market. Home appliance salesInto peak Hong, it was reported before, in a large home appliance stores in Beijing, energy-efficient appliances promotional posters everywhere. Mall officials said, although away from the traditional consumption season is a month's time, but home appliance sales have entered peak in advance. Mall official: color TV and air conditioning grew larger than yesterday, especially the TV. Air condition and weather have a certainRelationship, but was able to clear out, rose is above 50%. Not long ago, national development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance issued rules for the promotion of energy-efficient household appliances products. Consumers to buy five, including refrigerators, washing machines, and other products, will receive the maximum financial subsidy of $ 600. In a conspicuous location stores, meiling electricalRelevant personnel are advantages of energy-saving products: "this is the level of energy efficiency of the product, a cooling down power consumption is 376, compared with ordinary air conditioning can save a one-third, which is 130 degrees. According to the current market price per unit is five five, probably was 70 Yuan, and the purchase of the air conditioning when you can enjoy the subsidy of 300 dollars�� "Pull the countries with $ 450 billion in consumer demand is expected to increase energy saving Huimin of subsidies at the same time, manufacturers and retailers also got on the" energy-saving Huimin bus ", launched supporting the promotion policy. Manufacturers, the State subsidy policy, sells subsidies subsidies for three-in-one, does the temptation is not small. Passenger traffic, some malls even also include non-energy-saving products to the promotionArea clearance price reduction of marketing model, want to get the "ride". Starting from June this year, the central financial arrangement $ 26.5 billion to support the expansion of consumption of energy-efficient appliances and other products, started promoting in accordance with standard air conditioning, flat-screen TVs|diablo 3 power leveling, refrigerators, washing machines and water heaters energy saving product policy of subsidies to promote tentative one-year period. Academy of Chinese household electrical appliances a surnameXu Wei pointed out that policy stimulating consumer demand, obviously. According to estimates, a new round of expansion of product consumption initiatives such as energy-efficient appliances are expected to pull $ 450 billion in consumer demand, and annual energy saving of 11.7 million tons of standard coal. Could lead to a household appliance industry reshuffle late last year, home appliance trade-in, consumption of home appliances to the countryside, and promoting policies expire. In the absence of stimulus, under the influenceHome appliances market downturn in the first quarter of this year, the size of the market fell a 0.1%. Promulgation of the new round of subsidies, "energy Guide" could lead to a household appliance industry reshuffle. Domestic white goods companies grab new heights in energy saving and environmental protection market. Mei ling will expand to 600,000 units in the areas of environmental protection and energy saving refrigerator capacity, further expanding meiling in greenProduct advantages. CHANGHONG air conditioning June halted the three-level energy efficiency products, sufficient supply to guarantee the level of energy efficiency products. CHANGHONG said company Vice Chairman Liu Tibin, energy saving and environmental protection will be the focus of the next stage of development. Liu Tibin: different products are not the same view my site here, facing digital TV in the future, intelligent; refrigerator is energy-efficient, intelligent, high-end, frequency, and so on. All in all,Direction of energy conservation a top priority. Development not only by the industry because there is a policy driven by external force, home appliance market fast development in recent years. China electronic Chamber of Commerce Deputy Secretary General Lu Renbo believes that industry cannot rely solely on external forces. Lu edge wave: do you believe need to be balanced, growth this year will decline next year, so I think that the development of the market for consumer needsTo maintain, and not by force, not by the growth of economic growth.

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