Friday, June 29, 2012


129823520734062500_436Zhongzhou Futures: flagging stock weight plates continued weak 24th the CSI 300 is now means a Gap lower, shocks all the way down after the morning slightly higher, closed at 2595.26 points, compared with the previous day 21.61; IF1206 2572.4 Gap advance days shock fall, closed at 2582.6 points, compared with the previous trading day closing price by 5.6 points, sold for 370,230,Position increased warehouse 632 to 48,389 hand in hand. HSBC China today launched PMI index, May HSBC Manufacturing PMI initial 48.7 per cent per cent in April, two months minimum. According to the May slowdown in manufacturing industry running again, which may leave decision-making authorities introduce more aggressive easing. EU informal Summit held in Brussels, According to participants of the eurozone officials, the euro group of States members of the Working Group had agreed to make Greece the response as soon as you exit. In this way view my site here, Greece most likely to leave the eurozone. Appears if Greece out exiting the eurozone, eurozone economy hit hard by, or the eurozone economy will shrink by at least 4%. Stock index continued weak patterns continue to kill fell today,Side is last stock dropped almost all floating green, turnover compared with the previous trading day to shrink again, investors cautious wait-and-see mood is still strong. From a technical point of view, shocks received negative line, intensive averages as well as 2,600 integer above a gate pressure does not change, and that means a big discount now means, still maintaining the overall market pattern of weak turbulence, followed by continued tested six lines are expectedSeek, it is recommended that treated every rebound short selling ideas.

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