Saturday, June 16, 2012

as his disciples Diablo 3 Gold as his disciples - ANOJ

129836519661562500_406Yan Jiehe "trillion-the overall situation" Yan Jie, and never a lack of news. Recently, China announced in Beijing Yan Jie, founder of the Group and the construction of the Pacific, to be not less than 1 billion yuan of investment, to repair and the part of the ancient building of China's College redevelopment was intended to save traditional Chinese culture, and start the "Hua to smooth Three Gorges on the arrow hit the South thought" activities, and Government leaders together to participate in discussing the matter. But in Yan JieAnd a high profile launch activities at the same time, joined Yan Jie and Zheng He's fleet in China, owned by capital international group (hereinafter referred to as "Zheng He's fleet") many of the entrepreneurs are turns squatting at the computer center, xisanqi, Haidian District, Beijing, the North East of Hua Tuo in the ordnance factory complex on the arrow of the air force Office of the Organizing Committee, request a refund has been paid hundreds of thousands of, millions or even tens of "consultingService fee ". One business cards are printed on the "China Construction Group Managing Director and Vice President of the Pacific" title of entrepreneur told journalists of the weekly financial state, request refund is due, Yan Jie, and failure to honour commitments to join members of Zheng He's fleet units may be involved in construction of the BT (daijian) project, and strictly between and and local Government signed a framework agreement on the number of BT projectsLook, almost no start condition of good works. The said refund is not easy. "Like we do ' Vice ' estimated that the Pacific about 100. "Current members of Zheng He's fleet more than more than 200 enterprises, entrepreneurs require refund of one-third. Yan Jie, and accepted the journalist said in an interview with the weekly financial state, which was one of the first of Zheng He's fleetAt lower thresholds than join the entrepreneurs. He also hoped that, in accordance with the signed agreement for these entrepreneurs to exit. In recent years, as signed and joined BT increased number of entrepreneurs, Yan Jie, and constantly improve the Zheng He's fleet of "tickets", the highest level of "respect" ticket is $ 5.55 million in early 2011 from increases to $ 25.55 million currently. In addition toPresident, Vice President, Executive Member, governing units, and other members of different sectors. In view of the current refund event for entrepreneurs, Yan Jie, and plans to increase the integration of fleet to join the threshold, later major recruit "one unit", as his disciples, by his personal service. Goal of 100, there are already more than 70 companies. Storm refund one of theAnalysis of head of management consulting companies, Yan Jie wow power leveling, and under the control of three major groups have formed a complete chain: Pacific Construction Group continues the BT project; Zheng He's fleet is the accumulation of capital, attract members to the financing for the project; he designed specifically for the construction of the Pacific group filtering on the arrow project unit. And cooperation of members of Zheng He's fleet and the Pacific Group,From the "Vice" in the cooperation agreement signed, can be seen they are relying on the construction of the Pacific Group brand, rational use of its own resources and channels, infrastructure projects (BT) to discuss cooperation and by a group of entrepreneurs or their units and the construction of the Pacific BT butt after the success of the project construction, Commission incentives, return on investment and other thingsSigned a cooperation agreement. The "Vice", according to Yan Jie and commitment and his team, Member of government units in its relations to help successful docking of Pacific building group project, project total investment of 2.5% matching awards is available, these units should be involved in BT project project, Vice Chairman, the President can get directly involved in BT project developmentSet of rights, respect for the child to gain a right BT project development and construction of urban area. Contributions 1 year, provided by the entrepreneur does not have access to the Pacific to participate in the BT infrastructure construction projects, and even in its local government relations for project, Pacific Construction Group also put forward in accordance with the conditions of progress paid no concessionsDoes not take place. In this context, such entrepreneurs out of Zheng He's fleet and the requesting a refund. At present, the entrepreneurs have got your refund more than 4 million Yuan, while more than 1 million had been agreed in the agreement "Advisory Service annual fee" and "comprehensive royalty fees" provision is deducted. "In accordance with the terms of the agreement, our service does not say 100, at least,95. (Entrepreneur) of no satisfaction, our unconditional deductions (team agent) after 25% cut, unconditional refund. "Yan Jie, and on the journalist said. Interviewed by journalists of the weekly financial state of many entrepreneurs say, refund of the road is not easy. Journalists see, located in the small qinghe, Haidian District, Beijing city centre Guest House in the North courtyard Hua on theArrow Office of the Organizing Committee, with checkpoints at various levels, the guard at the gate to Hua to arrows on the release until out of support people, after entering the Office building in one of four and Hua Tuo also equipped with electronic door card. With these points, to request refund of the entrepreneur is not easy to enter the Office building, see Yan Jie and I are more difficult. And it is said that Hua Tuo also on the arrow in the Haidian District, xisanqiEast of Beijing air force machine factory has set up a temporary office in the hospital, approached by several professionals and entrepreneurs. Even promised to refund the entrepreneurs consultant agreement, surrender the original of the invoice or receipt, go back to queue waiting for a refund. Refund dispute for entrepreneurs, Yan Jiehe says does not exist. "There is an agreement expired does not give money, litigation. ��Yan Jiehe said. Good faith dispute reporters learned in an interview, but has not been outside BT projects require refund of entrepreneurs, did entrepreneur receive only 2.5% connection or about the cost of construction of the total profit of one-third not only investment, BT projects participating in the Pacific. And also did get the BT project enterprise. Beijing Rong project management limitedCompany Chairman said Wang jinzhong told reporters, after the costs of paying $ 5.55 million in late December 2010, ranking of Zheng He's fleet "d-95" Member units. At present by Pacific Construction Group, access to the effects of Music City, Hebei province BT projects for a total investment of $ 670 million, since it was launched in March this year, has invested about $ 60 million."I was want to listen, absorb new ideas, of entrepreneurs that want to know more, explore new things, collision. "Said Wang jinzhong, despite the building of their own enterprise special qualification, but joined Zheng He's fleet to get BT projects do not have too high expectations. Drake jiandeping, Chairman of environmental engineering, Ltd, Jiangsu Province in a county of Kunming, Yunnan provinceAnd the construction of sewage treatment plant project in 5, Henan construction engineering company Chairman Wang Degun relied on Pacific construction in Henan for tens of millions of dollars of road asphalt oil surface project. The number of entrepreneurs considers that, prior to entrepreneurs to join Zheng He's fleet, to consider what your business needs are, can match the scope of undertaking business in the Pacific. After joiningCan't "wait", not profit-oriented always wanted to make a lot of money, or do you want to own. "Join the 4S shops, after paying the franchise fee, provides a platform to rely on their own efforts to establish the team. "However, this way, the foregoing" Vice President "questioning. "And lectures, said that all the difficulties of his weight, well do projects they do, good project by ZhengAnd members of the fleet, but in turn. "An entrepreneur said Yan Jie with more than ten groups, more than 20 buildings and its subsidiary, good project basically consists of the 20 subsidiaries to do Diablo 3 Gold, on this, Yan Jie and presentations, the BT project investment and local government prior to the 2007 lay about 270 billion yuan, in 2007 after signingBT investment framework agreement on investment scale of about 800 billion yuan. 98% Pacific Construction Group to do on their own, 2% to the consolidated fleet of entrepreneurs to do. "We tell entrepreneurs repeatedly about, you want to co-operate with the Pacific is to do Word of mouth. You want to get rich quick, and definitely put you out of the Pacific Ocean. "Yan Jiehe said. BT project dogged information display, Yan Jie and in theCalendar year 2006 after a series of bank debt crisis, resigned from Pacific construction group all the posts, founded in 2007, Hua Tuo and became Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief specialists on the arrow, was subsequently established in August 2009 "Hua Tuo Enterprise clinic" in July 2010, announce Joint composed of hundreds of private enterprise "Zheng He's fleet". Public reports indicate that at present, Yan JieheBT in the past few years signed with the local urban projects, total investment exceeding a trillion yuan of investment agreements, particularly during the 2010 and 2011 with BT investment framework agreements with local government news exposes. Reporter learned that, reported out of Yingkou "50 billion", Huludao "30 billion", baotou "11.7 billion", Kunming city wuhua"10 billion" BT investment agreements are not landed. A lavish groundbreaking ceremony held in May last year the Shijiazhuang zhengding new projects, "dug two long ditch" after the contract has been lifted. For stranded BT project, Yan Jie, and attributed to the local government. "Yingkou that project is purely for show. "Yan Jiehe said that local government leadershipThe changeover of leadership for this new project is not approved. "Our equipment, funding, this loses much of Yingkou". Huludao agreement never fell to the ground because of the advice of local officials. BT Protocol was because of Inner Mongolia baotou city leaders disagree. Yan Jie and sum up BT project agreement with the local government cannot be landed in the Pacific Ocean's three originalBecause: first, local government eager for, for show, was in the Pacific Ocean as the "vase". Second, local government internal contradictions. Third, internal vested interests of local governments, will break down some people in government departments and the Pacific came in the original interest for cooperation between enterprises. Strictly, a refund of entrepreneurs says does not agree with. The entrepreneur said, the company hasSeven level qualification, is the excellent enterprise in local award for many years. Yan Jie and medium to the city in the year, and also to the company's successful docking a district of Kunming project as a success story of Zheng He's fleet, and in class represents a $ 750 million entrepreneurs have to take a cut. But in fact, the Kunming Government in BT mode, only a few road-building, estimating the scale of investment 10Billion yuan, but the Pacific must be checked at that time $ 5 billion, then Pack signed a $ 10 billion package, when Yan Jie and lecture has become a $ 30 billion. Last as the Pacific Group of locally incorporated companies for not less than 1 year guarantee qualification, making its commitment to local governments could not provide financing secured, project sank without trace. Shijiazhuang zhengding areaProject, Yan Jiehe told journalists: "do not smoothly, Shijiazhuang city leaders disagree. "Yan Jiehe said, cooperation entrepreneur has exited the construction of Zheng He's fleet, but the construction of the Pacific Group did not return, and still do. Pacific building in Shijiazhuang, group Project Director on the phone also told reporters that the present definite project is the pipe Gallery works in the new area. But when reporters 61st interview with to the new district of Shijiazhuang zhengding SWTOR CD-key, responsible person clearly has told reporters and construction group signed a contract out of the Pacific Ocean. Because the Pacific Group "after two short trench was dug in" and definite new District Administrative Committee on conditions, construction cost and Shijiazhuang City Department of finance-centered evaluation differs from the cost of a larger, so both sides fail. "Time to sign the contract,Hebei construction cost is reference information, ultimately taking Shijiazhuang City Department of finance-centered accreditation agreement the amount of payment, but the Pacific cost price to be published information, some of the major building materials prices and the real gap is very large. If we follow the price on him, first, we suffer, the second seems to us what is wrong with the project, can not tell. "Who is responsible forSaid. However, participation in the project construction of new definite area one top "respecting unit" of Zheng He's fleet of entrepreneurs, adopting BT model of investment projects in the calculation of the cost should not be in full conformity with market prices to measure, or tender is fully funded by the Government. Who allegedly worked in the Pacific building group of insiders have claimed online, tooOcean construction group signed with the local urban scale up to tens of millions of dollars in BT project, 10% is really only about the project. In this regard, Yan Jie, and responded to the reporter "90% ground". Due to the construction of the Pacific Group "has engaged in more than 300 cities throughout the country, more than 500 more Park project", project number, could not be one by one to check. About TaipingForeign investment agreements and local causes of not landing, one person who had run Hua to arrows on the agent and explains, in many cases because the local Government found in the signing of the agreement, Pacific Construction Group is not really BT BT mode. And traditions of all funded by the investor prior pad different, Pacific Construction Group asked local governments in accordance with the progress of worksPaid work. First year pay for projects with a total investment of 35%, pay 30% for the second year, third year payment 20%, fourth year pay 10%, five years with 5%, so that investments will fully recover within 5 years. Local Government found that due to Yan Jie BT and signed project does not provide a competitive bidding program, no competition, cost can be highCan. In this way, costs can be recovered in the first two years, and subsequent payments of projects to do using the Government investment in new projects. As the get to know about its mode, some local governments have found this pattern compare with tender and no more concessions, and increasingly indifferent. There is one important reason was that Yan Jie and said "vested interests", relying on the entrepreneur (a) access to bT-projects, by the construction of the Pacific Group (b) contracted with local governments and construction (c) to build that often angered local construction company, and indirectly the cause of local interest groups and seized and is difficult to perform. "BT Pacific group signed agreements are either three or four lines in remote areas of the city district of the City Government, where not only the economic level of developmentBackward, not even quite know what BT. "Above has run Hua to arrows on the agencies believe that, after experiencing a lot of groundbreaking ceremony of grand scale and activities, some leading entrepreneurs and local governments began to realize that Yan Jie, and" say and do are not consistent. 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