Sunday, May 20, 2012

ranked fifth in the city wow cd-key ranked fifth in the city - VVFR

129809336164742500_1214State Development Bank (hereinafter referred to as "CDB") Chongqing Branch issued a statement a few days ago wow cd-key, the branch in Chongqing "reliable source of repayment of the loan financing platform, risk-controlled". As the most important issue of loans in China, this is the CDB by the foreign media that the line "stuck" Chongqing local rumors in response to the debt crisis. CDB was set up in 1994, is the mostEarly business cooperation with local government financing of financial institutions, issuance of a large number of loans over the years. While the CDB has never disclosed the platform specific loan size, but from the data view, the loan balance is more than $ 2 trillion of the platform. Chongqing branch of on the bad loan rate 0.1% Reuters reported Wednesday Diablo 3 CD-KEY, Chongqing mode left huge debt, Bank loan accountsHead of debt, CDB to multi-billion dollar loan "trapped". The CDB Chongqing branch through the people's network, points out that, by the end of March 2012, the branch loan balance is $ 122.9 billion, bad loan rate 0.1%, 7 years in a row below the 1%. According to the CDB guodong, President of Chongqing Branch introduced in recent 10 years, the added size new branch Renminbi loans accounted for a full line ofAlways stable at around 3%, 2011 new loans balances of $ 17.8 billion TERA Gold, ranked 18th in line 37 branches in almost 5 years, the annual average growth rate of 23.8% branch loan, banking loan growth in Chongqing were flat during the same period. As at the end of the first quarter of this year, CDB loan balance of Chongqing branch of Chongqing banking financial institution loanBalance of 9%, ranked fifth in the city; the main orientation of Chongqing public infrastructure, mass transit, highways, electricity, water, social housing projects in agriculture, forestry and construction. Guodong said: "owing to the structural credit good, reliable source of repayment of loans for financing of the branch platform, risk control. "By the end of 2011, there were government financing bank Chongqing branch platforms client 58And financing loans 23% loans account for the whole city. "For example, after the completion of highway projects for the project repayment source charges and the borrower's own cash flow; water projects for the project repayment sources's own cash and land revenue. "Guodong explained that part of the project repayment involve land, due to loan land appraisal prices are far lower than the current marketPrices, land prices to cover the risk. In this regard, Director of the Central University of finance and banking Research Center of China Guo Tianyong (microblogging): "from the research of the Center, CDB financed on loans in place has two advantages: due to time of intervention early in project quality higher than other banks in general; innovation mode and wind control measures a series of loans. Therefore,CDB finance loan risk is relatively small, the total control of the platform. "Platform loan balance is more than $ 2 trillion in November last year, CDB Expert Committee members Jia Tingren in the finance new summit revealed:" loans accounted for the balance of the national platform of our bank loan 25% bad debt rate of 0.27%. "Jia Tingren has served as State Bank Deputy General Manager of the Sales Department, the credit CommitteeFull-time members. CBRC figures show, at the end of September 2011, there were more than 10,000 local government financing, loans balances $ 9.1 trillion; estimates accordingly, the loan balance is close to $ 2.3 trillion Bank platform, firmly held the first of the major financial institutions. "CDB has been the lowest toxic assets, banks with the highest profit per capita, their mortgage, Future revenues and high quality of the products is generally high quality block equity, loan risk less. "A financial industry insiders told the Business Journal reporter said. (Business news) (Editor: Cao Luç’ ) Others:

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